Hello all,
Is it possible to parse an Islamic date in Ruby by any means? I have
found nothing but this:
(from date.rb):
… Alternative calendars such as the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the
Islamic Calendar, or the French Revolutionary Calendar are not supported
by the Date class; …
but no hint for the solution.
Any ideas?
Hrm, looking around it looks like there’s not much out there for Ruby.
Maybe you can port the Perl version to Ruby?
It doesn’t look too hairy, and you could score community points by
posting it back to RAA or rubyforge or something.
On 10/9/06, Peter S. [email protected] wrote:
Hello all,
Is it possible to parse an Islamic date in Ruby by any means? I have
found nothing but this:
I would look at the various localization libraries for Ruby. Don’t
know them off hand, but date/calendar localization is pretty important
for any l10n/i18n library.