ParseTree 2.2.0 Released

ParseTree version 2.2.0 has been released!

ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby’s arrays, strings, symbols, and

As an example:

def conditional1(arg1)
if arg1 == 0 then
return 1
return 0


[:args, :arg1],
[:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
[:return, [:lit, 1]],
[:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]


2.2.0 / 2008-06-09

  • 18 minor enhancements:

    • Added 1.9 and rubinius to multiruby skip list.
    • Added 1.9 fixes for SexpProcessor.
    • Added compatibility changes for regexp option values.
    • Added custom compact since Array#compact is hostile to subclasses.
    • Added some tests for wonky index edge cases. some commented out.
    • Added test changes for 1.9 and r2r changes. Esp fixed regexp
    • Added tests for dasgn, proc arities,
    • Added/updated some tests for ruby_parser.
    • Changed tests to default to nil for verbose.
    • Fixed all assertions deprecated in miniunit.
    • Raises LoadError if incompatible ruby, allows fallback to
    • Removed Unified’s rewrite_fbody and moved up into defn… not
      sure about that.
    • Removed argscat rewriter from unified_ruby.rb
    • Renamed shadowed variable name.
    • Reworked parse_tree_for_(method|string) to take optional verbose
    • Started removing ending newlines from pt_testcase.rb.
    • Uncommented all commented out tests. ruby_parser must not be a
    • Updated rakefile for new hoe abilities.
  • 3 bug fixes:

    • Fixed 1.8.[45] wrt dasgn_curr declaration removal.
    • Fixed pt_testcase bug.
    • Fixes for colon2/3 in class/module/cdecls.


  • [email protected]

Ryan D. wrote:


2.2.0 / 2008-06-09

  • 18 minor enhancements:

    • Added 1.9 and rubinius to multiruby skip list.
    • Added 1.9 fixes for SexpProcessor.

I’m curious. Does that mean, ParseTree now works with Ruby 1.9? That
would be great!



Dear Ryan,

ParseTree version 2.2.0 has been released!
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby’s arrays, strings, symbols, and

can you recommend an analogon to ParseTree for classes and methods
written in C/C++,
which produces output that’s compatible/easily adaptable to ParseTree’s
output for Ruby, i.e., that would
facilitate translations of code

Ruby -> S-Expressions -> C/C++ and in the other direction ?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


On Jun 10, 2008, at 02:32 , Michael N. wrote:

would be great!
Unfortunately, no.

My 1.9 fixes were for SexpProcessor only. The intent is to get to the
point where 1.9 and other non-ASTable implementations can
automatically fall back to ruby_parser.

1.9 dropped support for storing AST information. ruby_parser can take
over for some of that, but the biggie is procs… People who design
DSLs on procs using ruby2ruby to do manipulation are going to be
sorely disappointed in ruby 1.9. Unfortunately I don’t have a solution
at this time. There has been some talk about a bytecode decompiler for
procs, but I don’t even know if it is feasible at this point.

On Jun 10, 2008, at 05:34 , Axel E. wrote:

adaptable to ParseTree’s output for Ruby, i.e., that would
facilitate translations of code

I’m confused… above it seems you’re asking for something like
ParseTree for C/++. Below it seems you’re asking for a sexp to C
translator. Or… you want it bidirectional???

Ruby -> S-Expressions -> C/C++ and in the other direction ?

Any C/++ parser could be adapted to generate ruby objects that look
like sexps. But conceptually there is a lot of disparity between C, C+
+, and ruby. I doubt you’ll ever manage a clean bidirectional mapping
between the two except for the most hamstrung subset between the three.

Curious tho: why?

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:24:32 +0900
Von: Ryan D. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: [ANN] ParseTree 2.2.0 Released

can you recommend an analogon to ParseTree for classes and methods
written in C/C++, which produces output that’s compatible/easily
adaptable to ParseTree’s output for Ruby, i.e., that would
facilitate translations of code

Dear Ryan,

I’m confused… above it seems you’re asking for something like
ParseTree for C/++. Below it seems you’re asking for a sexp to C
translator. Or… you want it bidirectional???

Curious tho: why?

well, your project somehow revives a dream I have about somehow easier
integration of code in different languages, so indeed, I’d take
if I’d get it :slight_smile:

Any C/++ parser could be adapted to generate ruby objects that look
like sexps. But conceptually there is a lot of disparity between C, C+
+, and ruby. I doubt you’ll ever manage a clean bidirectional mapping
between the two except for the most hamstrung subset between the three.

It’s just a dream now, but I was wondering for some time whether it
be possible to make a mapping of concepts between different programming
languages in the following way.

—Two necessary prerequistes –

  1. If you have a text (about any subject), you can automatically
    summarize it (i.e.,
    keep only the, say, 10 percent most interesting sentences in it). and
    different sentences in it using a technique called Latent Semantic
    There is a Ruby implementation of this technique in the classifier gem:

and the usage examples there.
Latent Semantic Analysis transforms a text into a “matrix” by counting
the number
of occurrences of words in a sentence, and similar sentences are
identified as
“vectors” which are mapped “closely together” in a set called the
“eigenspace” of that
matrix. The terms in quotation marks are precisely defined in linear

  1. Suppose you have two somewhat encylopaedic books explaining how to
    code in
    language X and language Y, from the ground up, so that you can search
    their entire
    text from your computer (that should be possible from a O’Reilly Safari

The idea I have is about this:
Now, to transform a piece of code T in language X into one in language
Y, I think it would be
feasible to use the S-expressions of T, to identify those pieces of
code in the book
about language X that have their S-expressions resemble most to those of
T ( in the
linear algebra distance sense), and then try to find the parts of
explanatory text and code in the book about language Y, that resemble
most to that text in the book about language X.

Best regards,
