ParseTree version 2.0.2 has been released!
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby’s arrays, strings, symbols, and
As an example:
def conditional1(arg1)
if arg1 == 0 then
return 1
return 0
[:args, :arg1],
[:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
[:return, [:lit, 1]],
[:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]
- Uses RubyInline, so it just drops in.
- Includes SexpProcessor and CompositeSexpProcessor.
- Allows you to write very clean filters.
- Includes UnifiedRuby, allowing you to automatically rewrite ruby
quirks. - ParseTree#parse_tree_for_string lets you parse arbitrary strings of
ruby. - Includes parse_tree_show, which lets you quickly snoop code.
- echo “1+1” | parse_tree_show -f for quick snippet output.
- Includes parse_tree_abc, which lets you get abc metrics on code.
- abc metrics = numbers of assignments, branches, and calls.
- whitespace independent metric for method complexity.
- Includes parse_tree_deps, which shows you basic class level
dependencies. - Does not work on the core classes, as they are not ruby (yet).
2 minor enhancements:
- Deactivated gcc-specific compiler flags unless ENV[‘ANAL’] or on
my domain. - Minor code cleanup - happier with -pedantic and the like.
- Deactivated gcc-specific compiler flags unless ENV[‘ANAL’] or on
1 bug fix:
- FINALLY conquered the splat args bug on certain platforms/versions.
Special Thanks to Jonas P. for debugging this and providing
a patch.
- FINALLY conquered the splat args bug on certain platforms/versions.