It depends on what sort of ‘1 * 2’ you want… Do you want the last
expression in a block/defn/whatever? Like, are you trying to analyze
what the return type is? Or do you want to be aware of that void
context warning and discard the crap? Or do you simply want the second
thingy? Or do you want something entirely different that I am not
Well, I’m writing a code generator, and I thought I was very close to
finished, except I was basically doing this:
generated_code = Generators.module_eval(&block)
And that works great for tiny bits of code, it works at the statement
level, but when I want to just collect up all the statements in a
block, the whole thing kinds of goes south. So I have something which
generates all the individual statements perfectly but completely falls
apart when I want to create several statements. So it looks as if my
only option might be to rewrite everything, possibly adding a parser,
or using Ruby2C, or something like that. It’s kind of a pain in the
But if I have code like this:
statement(:which => spans,
:multiple => lines)
And I can turn it into an array of procs, or blocks, or even strings,
then I can just do
code_chunks.each {|code_chunk| @code <<
Or something similar, and harness everything I have so far without
throwing it all away and starting over from scratch or close to it.
All I really need at that point is a collection of code chunks, in
some format which module_eval will be comfortable with.
=> s(:array, s(:lit, 2))
want and mess with it.
Very easy is a relative term. 
In practice none of the code I’m working with or expecting to work
with has more than one statement on a line, but obviously the whole
problem is that it has many statements in a block.
The thing is, I posted a few days ago about a problem with if, not
being able to override it, and if I’m using a fully-fledged parsing
library then I might as well undo my kludge and enable real support
for conditionals like if, unless, while, etc. But it seems like more
work than I’d intended. But I can’t deny that being able to use real
Ruby in the code which generates the other code would be a serious
Giles B.