map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id/:draw_id’, :controller =>
“admin”, :action => “edit_position”
In a view I have:
<%= link_to “#{@draw.positions[0].team}”, { :controller
=> :admin, :action => :edit_position,
=>@draw.positions[0].id, :draw_id => } %>
In my controller I do not receive the param :draw_id in my params[]
Any thoughts? How do I do a link_to and pass in these 2
parameters :id and :draw_id
On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 16:44 -0700, slindsey3000 wrote:
=>@draw.positions[0].id, :draw_id => } %>
In my controller I do not receive the param :draw_id in my params[]
Any thoughts? How do I do a link_to and pass in these 2
parameters :id and :draw_id
the param :draw_id would be sent as a parameter…
thus, there really is no need to represent it in routes.rb
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It is not in my params hash though…
I initially did nothing with my routes.rb… then seeing that the only
param I got was :id, I started playing around.
can anyone give me an example of a link_to that sends 2 parameters to
a controller.
This seems so silly, but I am stuck.
Thanks so much…
link_to “link”, :controller => “articles”, :id => id, :draw_id =>
Sure… but how would you access the :draw_id in your controller?
It is not showing up in my params hash… with what you wrote I only
get :id in the hash as well as action and controller.
On 14 April 2010 02:33, slindsey3000 [email protected] wrote:
Sure… but how would you access the :draw_id in your controller?
It is not showing up in my params hash… with what you wrote I only
get :id in the hash as well as action and controller.
Is draw_id showing in the log file (log/development.log). If not then is probably nil. Have a look at the html of your page (View,
Page source or similar in your browser) and see if it is there. Also
you could try displaying in the page to see what it is.
By the way most think it better to insert your comments to previous
emails inline rather than at the top. It makes it easier to follow
the thread.