I’ve just finished restoring paramix.rb to Facets library. You can
expect it in 2.4.2 which I will release soon. (Note that the version
included in 2.4.1 is a work in progress and should not be used).
Just to let people know how it works now, as opposed to the old
version which overrode #include itself, the new version uses a
delegating module. So it is much more robust.
Here is a simple example:
require ‘facets/paramix’
module MyMixin
include Paramix
def hello
puts "Hello from #{mixin_params[MyMixin][:name]}!"
class MyClass
include Mixin[:name => ‘Ruby’]
m = MyClass.new
m.hello -> ‘Hello from Ruby!’
Notice the use of #[]. Capitalized methods have namespace issues, so
the #[] method was used instead.