
<% for post in @posts %>

<%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller => “threads”, :action
=> :new_req }, :with => “‘description=#{post.description}’”

<% end %>

When I make a post with the form and enter a description like such:

Description text_area:
this is a description
that has linebreaks,
or… at least,
I have pressed enter
several times.

It can save fine when made with the form. But in my first code, when I
try to set params[:description] = post.description, it doesn’t work
properly. Not sure why. It only happens when I make a description and
hit enter one or more times (have linebreaks)…

Any help is much appreciated!


On 2 Aug 2008, at 00:06, Justin To wrote:

<% for post in @posts %>

<%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller =>
“threads”, :action
=> :new_req }, :with => “‘description=#{post.description}’”

<% end %>

You don’t need to use :with for this. But apart from that, the problem
is that you’re not escaping the description. The post I linked you to
the other day about the usage of the :with parameter covered both of
these things.


Frederick C. wrote:

On 2 Aug 2008, at 00:06, Justin To wrote:

<% for post in @posts %>

<%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller =>
“threads”, :action
=> :new_req }, :with => “‘description=#{post.description}’”

<% end %>

You don’t need to use :with for this. But apart from that, the problem
is that you’re not escaping the description. The post I linked you to
the other day about the usage of the :with parameter covered both of
these things.


The encodeURIComponent doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Mmm… a user fills out the textarea with a form_for (for a model
object). When I do <% for post in @posts %> <%= post.description %> It
doesn’t show the linebreaks that I entered. So if I enter (into the
dsfksdf (enter)
sdfsdf (enter)

I guess it doesn’t save it in the first place because with <%=
post.description %> I get dskfsdf sdfsdf sfdsdf. But I can’t even send
that as a parameter to populate a form.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Mmm… a user fills out the textarea with a form_for (for a model
object). When I do <% for post in @posts %> <%= post.description %> It
doesn’t show the linebreaks that I entered. So if I enter (into the
dsfksdf (enter)
sdfsdf (enter)

I guess it doesn’t save it in the first place because with <%=
post.description %> I get dskfsdf sdfsdf sfdsdf.

Ah, I misunderstood what wasn’t working. HTML ignores linebreaks so
what you’re seeing is normal. you either need to be inserting your own

tags or wrapping your text in

 tags. The
simple_format helper will do the former for you.


Hey Fred, I’m still having some problems =\

In my first post:
<% for post in @posts %>

<%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller => “threads”, :action
=> :new_req }, :with => “‘description=#{post.description}’”

<% end %>

  1. You said I didn’t need to use :with. How would I access the
    post.description otherwise?
  2. I used the simple_format helper, so it displays correctly now, but
  3. Still having trouble calling my ‘new_requirement’ action to edit,
    <% for post in @posts %>
    <%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller => “threads”,
    :action => :new_req }, :with=>"‘req_id=#{post.requirement_id}’ + ‘&’ +
    ‘title=#{post.title}’ + ‘&’ + ‘description=’ +
    ‘#{simple_format(post.description)}’ + ‘&’ +
    ‘justification=#{post.justification}’ + ‘&’ + ‘tags=#{post.tags}’",
    :class=>“edit” %>
    <% end %>

def new_requirement
@post =

respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to_index}


page.replace_html :control, :partial => ‘new_req’
page[:control].visual_effect :slide_down

<% form_for :post, :url => { :action => :save_requirement } do |form| %>
<%= form.text_area :description, :value => params[:description], :class
=> “textarea” %>
<% end %>

Thanks for helping me out!

On 4 Aug 2008, at 17:42, Justin To wrote:

<% end %>

  1. You said I didn’t need to use :with. How would I access the
    post.description otherwise?
    stick it in the :url hash.

  2. I used the simple_format helper, so it displays correctly now, but

  3. Still having trouble calling my ‘new_requirement’ action to edit,

I’m not entirely sure what you’re doing here. You’re passing a bunch
of parameters to this action but then you’re not using any of them.
And why pass all those parameters when you could just as easily pass
the post id ?


def new_requirement
@post =

is there any way to simulate, like in Ruby,

p post.description

so i can see all the goodies?


Never mind. Finally, I figured it out. I think passing the post_id
instead of all the params made the difference.

Thanks for all the continued help Fred!!!

Alright, I passed the post_id instead:

<%= link_to_remote “Edit”, :url => { :controller => “threads”, :action
=> :new_req }, :with=>"‘post_id=#{}’" %>

I’m using the params[:post_id] in the view that the action :new_req is
displaying, to populate my form fields.

<% post = Post.find_by_id params[:post_id] if params[:post_id] %>

Title:<%= form.text_field :title, :value => “”||post.title, :id=>“title”

Thanks again