Paperclip not finding imagemagick on prod, works on dev


I am using paperclip to attach documents to my models. it works
perfectly on my dev machine, but on the server I get a

On my server if I ./script/console I can run imagemagick through
system(“convert”) and it works, so why can’t paperclip find it?

Thanks for your ideas

PS: the paperclip google group isn’t getting much answers so I am
posting here.

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Fernando P. [email protected]

I am using paperclip to attach documents to my models. it works
perfectly on my dev machine, but on the server I get a

On my server if I ./script/console I can run imagemagick through
system(“convert”) and it works, so why can’t paperclip find it?

Chances are the web server is running under a user id other than
yours, and so has a different $PATH.


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan

I’ll also add this: Equivalent of Apache's SetEnv Variable - NGINX - Ruby-Forum

I’m running Nginx+Passenger, and it seems there are issues with

Hassan S. wrote:

Chances are the web server is running under a user id other than
yours, and so has a different $PATH.

Interesting, and I think you are right.

However the problem might be similar to these:


Simply adding Paperclip.options[:command_path] fixed the issue, but I
swear I tried it yesterday!