I am new to Rails and am running into a problem with pagination.
Consider model classes Employee and Department:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :department
class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :employees
In my controller, I need to get a list of employees working in a given
department, and I need to paginate this list. Any pointers on how to
acheive this?
def list_employees
department_name = “My Department”
@employees = # … ??
@employee_pages = # …??
Think you can pass a set of conditions to your paginator.
For example in my work if I’m looking for pages of a book with a certain
I just do:
@page_pages, @pages =
paginate :pages, :order_by => ‘position’,
:per_page => ITEMSINLIST, :parameter =>
:conditions => ["book_id = ? ", id_im_searching_for]
Hope this helps,
Bruno Soares
Binil Thomas wrote:
In my controller, I need to get a list of employees working in a given
department, and I need to paginate this list. Any pointers on how to
acheive this?
I did it using something like:
def list_employees
department_name = “My Department”
count = Employee.count_by_sql([“select count(*) from employees
where employee.department_id in
(select id from department where department.name=?)”,
# 10 employees listed on a page
@employee_pages = Paginator.new self, count, 10, @params[‘page’]
@employees = Employee.find_by_sql([“select * from employees
where employee.department_id in
(select id from department where department.name=?)
order_by created_at desc limit ? offset ?”,
department_name, @employee_pages.items_per_page,
I was hoping that ActiveRecord offers some help in writing that
counter/finder query pair. Does anyone know of any such feature?
(Fixed typos in the code)
Binil Thomas wrote:
In my controller, I need to get a list of employees working in a given
department, and I need to paginate this list. Any pointers on how to
acheive this?
I did it using something like:
def list_employees
department_name = "My Department"
count = Employee.count_by_sql(["select count(*) from employees
where department_id in
(select id from department where department.name=?)",
# 10 employees listed on a page
@employee_pages = Paginator.new self, count, 10, @params['page']
@employees = Employee.find_by_sql(["select * from employees
where department_id in
(select id from department where department.name=?)
order_by created_at desc limit ? offset ?",
department_name, @employee_pages.items_per_page,
I was hoping that ActiveRecord offers some help in writing that
counter/finder query pair. Does anyone know of any such feature?
@employee_pages, @employees = paginate :employees, :per_page => 10,
:include => “department”, :conditions => [“department.name =
@employee_pages will be the Paginator object, so
@employee_pages.item_count will tell you how many total employees there