Pagination problem with acts_as_ferret


am using this wonderful plugin acts_as_ferret and according to the
tutorial at … rial#basic

I worked it out except the pagination feature.

If I have 12 records and I give limit to 10, its correctly displaying 10
records in the first page and is giving the link to the second page too.
But when I go to the next page I find the same 10 records instead of the
next 2 records. Also the result count is showing only 10 instead of 12
thats the right count.

Here’s my code:


def search
@users = User.available_users
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@query = params[:query] || ‘’
@total, @user_profiles = UserProfile.multi_search(@query, [ WorkProfile,
SchoolProfile ], :page => (params[:page]||1))
@pages = pages_for(@total)
unless @query.blank?
@results = UserProfile.find_by_contents @query


def self.multi_search(q, additional_models = [], options = {})
return nil if q.nil? or q==“”
default_options = {:limit => 1, :page => 1}
options = default_options.merge options
# get the offset based on what page we’re on
options[:offset] = options[:limit] * (options.delete(:page).to_i-1)
# now do the query with our options
results = UserProfile.find_by_contents(q, options)
return [results.total_hits, results]


<% if @results -%>
Your search for <%= h @query %> returned <%= @results.size %> Results:

<% @results.each { |result| -%>
  • <%= link_to, :controller => 'user_profiles', :action => 'list_user', :id=> result.user %>

  • <% if result.user.user_pic %>
    <img src=“<%=image_path url_for( :controller => “user_pics”, :action
    => “show_thumb”,
    :id => result.user.user_pic ) %>” />
    <% end %>
    <% } -%>

    <% end -%>

    <%= link_to ‘Previous page’, { :page => @pages.current.previous, :query
    => @query} if @pages.current.previous %>
    <%= pagination_links(@pages, :params => { :query=> @query }) %>
    <%= link_to ‘Next page’, { :page =>, :query =>
    @query} if %>

    Please do let me know how I get my pagination right…



    Hi Cass,

    I think this is a bug in acts_as_ferret. On line 163 in
    class_methods.rb the limit variable is used but hasn’t been initialised:

    In the mean time, aaf actually has paging support in there and that
    looks like it should work fine.

    So instead of using :limit and :offset in your options for
    find_by_contents, drop all your page number calculations and
    use :per_page and :page. Aaf will then figure out the limit and offset
    for you.

    John. - UK Ruby on Rails Hosting

    On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 12:07:53PM +0100, John L. wrote:

    So instead of using :limit and :offset in your options for
    find_by_contents, drop all your page number calculations and
    use :per_page and :page. Aaf will then figure out the limit and offset
    for you.

    exactly. Use the latest trunk of the plugin, and use the
    find_with_ferret method with the :multi option instead of multi_search:

    Model.find_with_ferret query, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10,
    :multi => [ Model2, Model3 ]


    @results = UserProfile.find_by_contents @query
    options = default_options.merge options
    [email protected]

    Jens Krämer - Blog - The new free film database

    Hi John and Jens,

    Thanks a ton for your guidance, I got it right now after making the


    Jens K. wrote:

    On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 12:07:53PM +0100, John L. wrote:

    So instead of using :limit and :offset in your options for
    find_by_contents, drop all your page number calculations and
    use :per_page and :page. Aaf will then figure out the limit and offset
    for you.

    exactly. Use the latest trunk of the plugin, and use the
    find_with_ferret method with the :multi option instead of multi_search:

    Model.find_with_ferret query, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10,
    :multi => [ Model2, Model3 ]


    @results = UserProfile.find_by_contents @query
    options = default_options.merge options
    [email protected]

    Jens Krämer - Blog - The new free film database

    Max W. wrote:

    Thanks, this has really helped me out! I have a follow-up question
    though: do you know how i get the total number of search results?

    Never mind, i found the answer - i just call


    Must do more research before asking next time! :smiley:


    Jens K. wrote:

    Model.find_with_ferret query, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10,
    :multi => [ Model2, Model3 ]

    Thanks, this has really helped me out! I have a follow-up question
    though: do you know how i get the total number of search results?

    Before i started using acts_as_ferret, i was calling ‘paginate’ on a
    single class. I could then use the method Collection#total_entries, but
    this doesn’t work any more - my results are just being treated as an
    array rather than a Collection object.

    I can still use

    will_paginate @search_results

    to get a working set of page links, so i guess pagination is hooked up
    in some places and not others.

    Any idea what i’m doing wrong? thanks, max