Pagination :conditions not working - MySQL v. PostgreSQL, Ra

Hi everyone,

I have this code:

@person_pages, @people = paginate :person, :per_page => 20,
  :conditions => [ "username LIKE ? OR first_name LIKE ? OR

last_name LIKE ? OR preferred_name LIKE ?",
“%” + params[:q].downcase + “%”,
“%” + params[:q].downcase + “%”,
“%” + params[:q].downcase + “%”,
“%” + params[:q].downcase + “%” ], :order =>
‘username DESC’

Works like a charm when developing on my local machine. OSX, Rails 1.0,

When I move the code to production, which uses postgresql, the search
doesn’t work correctly. I think it’s only getting results flagged off
of the username.

When I search for “dav” hoping to see lots of Daves and Davids,
locally, I get 20+ results, which is correct. Production, I get 4,
and all have “dav” in the username, lowercase. I think it’s a
postgresql thing.

The optimal thing would be to get rid of the SQL so that Rails can
handle the specifics for me. How can I do that? What’s the best way
to set :conditions to search through those columns?



On 1/9/06, Sean H. [email protected] wrote:

                 "%" + params[:q].downcase + "%" ], :order =>

and all have “dav” in the username, lowercase. I think it’s a
postgresql thing.

The optimal thing would be to get rid of the SQL so that Rails can
handle the specifics for me. How can I do that? What’s the best way
to set :conditions to search through those columns?


The immediate problem is that postgresql needs ILIKE to do a case
insensitive query. Do this:

:conditions => [‘LOWER(name) = ?’ “%#{params[:q].downcase}%”]


Sean H. wrote:

                 "%" + params[:q].downcase + "%",

I would avoid doing this. It will probably work fine here, but it will
come back to haunt you later.

Use the ruby way… “%#{params[:q].downcase}%”

“%” + nil + “%” yields all sorts of errors
“%#{nil}%” yields “%%”


That helps. I went with this:

:conditions => [LOWER(name) LIKE ?’ …

Thank you!
