
I have something similar to a blog post that users can add comments to.
I’m use a partial to render the list of comments and a form that submits
a new comment via AJAX to update the list. The AJAX call uses the same
partial. My question is, how can I mark the last added comment so that I
can use page.visual_effect to give it a yellow fade. Currently, I can
highlight the entire block of comments. Everything I’ve tried causes
problems. :after_create won’t work, as far as I can tell, because it’s
wrapped into the create method and no changes have been committed to the
database yet.

This seems like it should be a pretty simple task, highlighting the last
change to a list rendered as from a collection, but I can’t figure it
out. Any thoughts?

On May 7, 12:36 am, Justin Mclachlan <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:

This seems like it should be a pretty simple task, highlighting the last
change to a list rendered as from a collection, but I can’t figure it
out. Any thoughts?

maybe I’m being completely dumb, but can’t you do

render :update do
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘comment_list’, :partial =>
‘comment’, :object => new_comment
page.visual_effect dom_id(new_comment)

or something along those lines ?


Frederick C. wrote:

render :update do
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘comment_list’, :partial =>
‘comment’, :object => new_comment
page.visual_effect dom_id(new_comment)

or something along those lines ?


I tried something similar (though I’m placing the comments at the top)
and it worked – unless you submit more than one comment without
manually reloading the page. Then it didn’t update / highlight

Here’s what I tried (I call them notes):

page.insert_html :top, ‘query_notes’, :partial => ‘queries/notes’,
:collection => @note
page.visual_effect :highlight

On 6 May 2009, at 16:52, Justin Mclachlan
<[email protected]


:collection => @note
page.visual_effect :highlight

Aren’t you some missing method arguments there ? I’d check that
you’re not stuffing invalid HTML into the dom (or duplicate ids or
anything like that)

Justin Mclachlan wrote:

This seems like it should be a pretty simple task, highlighting the last
change to a list rendered as from a collection, but I can’t figure it
out. Any thoughts?

simplest thing is to mark each comment with its ID… and then highlight
element with name_id (eg)

@newpost =

render :update do |page|
page.insert_html :bellow, ‘comments’, :partial => ‘comment’, :object
=> @newpost
page.visual_effect :highlight, 'comment_'[email protected]_s

and _comment.html.erb:

<%= comment.body %>


Tomas Meinlschmidt, MS {MCT, MCP+I, MCSE, AER}, NetApp Filer/NetCache

Tom Z Meinlschmidt wrote:

@newpost =

render :update do |page|
page.insert_html :bellow, ‘comments’, :partial => ‘comment’, :object
=> @newpost
page.visual_effect :highlight, 'comment_'[email protected]_s

and _comment.html.erb:

<%= comment.body %>

That worked beautifully. Thanks.