when doing:
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html ‘suggested_contractors’, :partial =>
page.visual_effect :highlight, ‘suggested_contractors’
I got js as output, it is not executed, return html contains:
try { Element.update(“suggested_contractors”, "
\n 12345678910\n
"); new Effect.Highlight(“suggested_contractors”,{}); } catch (e) {
alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString());
alert(‘Element.update(“suggested_contractors”, "
\n 12345678910\n
");\nnew Effect.Highlight(“suggested_contractors”,{});’); throw e }
Any idea?
Thank you,
Jean-Etienne www.novAgora.hu
I’ll bet the content-type isn’t getting set correctly.
Are you setting it explicity in a filter somewhere,
accidentally overriding the correct value?
– Tom M.
Or, you’re linking to the call with a link_to instead of link_to_remote.
Been there, lost lots of hair.
oh…maybe you forgot to include
javascript_include_tag :defaults
in your layout
Be sure that you don’t specify an update action twice, i.e. in an rjs
template and a link_to_remote. If you have a link_to_remote :update =>
“mydiv” , AND you have page.update_html “mydiv” … in an rjs file …
then this will happen! I hope I recall that correctly, but go looking
for such scenarios ,
Quote from RJS Templates for Rails:
“Don’t Use the :update Option with RJS Calls
Never use the :update option when making remote calls to actions that
RJS templates. The :update option instructs Rails to generate an
Ajax.Updater Prototype object instead of an Ajax.Request object. The
Ajax.Updater updates a single DOM element with the contents of the
HTML response. RJS templates return JavaScript to the browser, which
be evaluated to produce the desired effects.”