Page refreshed as a whole instead of a specific element

I am a new one to rails. I have a problem with link_to_remote.
I have a calenedar on my web page, user selects a date and controllers
returns a report related to that specific date. The whole process is
working except one thing, instead of only myDiv the whole page is
refreshed. The header menu is reappeared in the myDive tag.

I have following code in my form.html.erb .

Please help me out.


<%= javascript_include_tag “prototype” %>

<%form_for :reporttype do |f| %>

Date Range <%= f.text_field 'date_from', :id => 'txtdate', :size => 10 , :value => @form%><%= calendar_for('txtdate') %> <%= link_to_remote l(:button_apply), { :update => 'myDiv', :url => {:action => 'display', :id => params[:id]}, :with => "'seldate=' +$F('txtdate')", }, :class => 'icon icon-checked' %> <%end%>
<% if @rpt != nil then %> <% if @rpt.length > 0 then %> <%i=0%> <% for rpts in @rpt %> <% i =i+1%> <%end%> <% else %> <td No data to show in this view. <% end %> <% end %>
<%=("Name")%> <%=("Subject")%>
<%= @rpt[i].NAME %> <%= @rpt[i].SUBJECT %>

On May 11, 2:07 pm, Najam A. [email protected]

I am a new one to rails. I have a problem with link_to_remote.
I have a calenedar on my web page, user selects a date and controllers
returns a report related to that specific date. The whole process is
working except one thing, instead of only myDiv the whole page is
refreshed. The header menu is reappeared in the myDive tag.

sounds like your display action is rendering too much


The controller action must only render the new content for the div, it
that it is sending the whole page again, appearing inside the div.

2009/5/11 Najam A. [email protected]

You haven’t shown the code in the controller that responds to the
‘display’ action, but I suspect that you need to add “:layout =>
false” to the render (or make the render explicit rather than the
default after hitting the end of the display action without having
rendered or redirected).