Page_attachments does not save anything

Hi all,

I just installed the page_attachments extension according to the
instructions on the wiki page. Everything seems to work on the UI
side since the attachment menu shows up and I can upload files. It
seems, however, that none of the files are actually saved even though
I don’t any error message. Here’s what my log says:

Processing PageController#edit (for at 2007-12-07
07:29:13) [POST]
Session ID: 30150eb9e9fea7af5e53b4b2d516d832
Parameters: {“continue”=>“Save and Continue Editing”, “part”=>
{“0”=>{“name”=>“body”, “filter_id”=>“”, “content”=>“”}, “1”=>
{“name”=>“extended”, “filter_id”=>“”, “content”=>“<r:snippet name=
"BeginWidgetHeader" />\r\n <img alt="About us" border=0 src="/
images/about_us.png">\r\n<r:snippet name="EndWidgetHeader" />\r\n\r
\n<r:snippet name="BeginWidget" />\r\n Want all the information in
one, printable document? Download all travel information as PDF.\r
\n<r:snippet name="EndWidget" />”}}, “action”=>“edit”, “id”=>“3”,
“controller”=>“admin/page”, “page”=>{“slug”=>“travelinfo”,
“class_name”=>“DynamicPage”, “title”=>“Travel Info”,
“breadcrumb”=>“Travel Info”, “lock_version”=>“34”,
“enable_comments”=>“0”, “add_attachments”=>[#<File:/tmp/CGI9097-14>],
“status_id”=>“100”, “layout_id”=>“4”}}
Redirected to
Completed in 0.06352 (15 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.01669 (26%) | 302 Found

The log shows the tempfile created but it seems that it doesn’t get
processed further. The page_attachments table remains empty. Maybe
validation failed even though I can’t see why. Do I need to create a
files directory somewhere? Is there anything else I should try?

I’m using Radiant 0.6.4 and page_attachments 0.2


EMAIL: [email protected] | SKYPE: ULF.MOEHRING | AIM:
[email protected]


Check the permissions on the public/ directory of your Radiant project
and make sure that the user your app server (Mongrel or FCGI) runs as
has write access to that directory. It’s possible that the file
wouldn’t save.


I have other problem, when I add this extension in Edit page below body
I see a green plus which and label with “(0)” in the end. But when I
click on plus nothing action begins.


Make sure to use the included rake task to copy the included javascript
and stylesheets to your public directory.



thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately that wasn’t the problem…


On Dec 7, 2007, at 6:06 AM, Sean C. wrote:


Check the permissions on the public/ directory of your Radiant project
and make sure that the user your app server (Mongrel or FCGI) runs as
has write access to that directory. It’s possible that the file
wouldn’t save.


EMAIL: [email protected] | SKYPE: ULF.MOEHRING | AIM:
[email protected]