Guys, I ran across the message thread “Packet Transfer” and it looked
it may be related to my stalled thread issue. Could it be a USB issue of
small USB packet less than 512 bytes?
15. Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Packet Transfer? (score: 3)
Author: Eric B. [email protected]
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 11:06:25 -0800
Because with “the usual way” you can’t see the (variable length) packet
boundaries. If you’re worried about the threads, you’ve got your eye on
wrong problem. (Premature optimization…) Specific
/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2006-02/msg00038.html (7,652 bytes)
“”"On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 08:46:53AM -0500, Michael D. wrote: >
reading through the GMSK2 code, I wonder why packets are not >
in the “usual” way: via the graph “connect()” method? > They are instead
transferred via “callforward” [“send_pkt()”] and > “callback”
[“rx_callback()”] methods, which requires extra threads to > “automate”
data transfer. Because with “the usual way” you can’t see the (variable
length) packet boundaries. If you’re worried about the threads, you’ve
your eye on the wrong problem. (Premature optimization…) Specifically
send_pkt, you’ve got to solve the problem of getting the data from
to C++. The message/msg_queue solves it nicely. In the past we’ve also
pipes and/or sockets. FWIW the message/msg_queue is also used to
data from C++ to python in fftsink & scopesink. Seems to work fine, and
implementation is portable across operating systems. > What I’d really
is to send packets as structured chunks of data, > using “connect()” in
graph. OK. Are you dealing with fixed length or variable length packets?
variable length, how are you going to communicate the length? It is
possible to pass fixed length structures around. We did this with the
receiver. I’m interested in your ideas in how to represent variable
packets within the (modified?) framework. This would definitely be
Another (possibly) related things I’d like to do, is to be able to run a
packet through the graph, then, say append 8 zeros, or some such. That
particular operation is very hard to do with the current data flow
approach. Others have suggested a “two level scheduler”. The bottom one
would be the existing one (or something close) and the top level one
know about packet boundaries, etc. For example, imagine you’ve receive
annotated packet from “outside” (typically a MAC). The annotations could
include things like “transmit power”, “channel coding”, etc. You want
high level packet processed in one logical chunk through the graph. But
then may want to change things around before or after the next bunch of
data. E.g., trailing padding. Still other have suggested a “functional”
approach, with generators/streams wired together and a way to read from
write to abstract streams. Another approach would be the “push” / “pull”
distinction used in the “Click Modular Router”. Yet another intersecting
issue is the ability to “stall” a piece of the graph. The gmsk2_pkt
implicitly takes advantage of this, and only runs the transmit part of
graph when there’s data to sent. The trick is making sure everything
flushed out of the pipeline before you stall. For example, you don’t
want a
partially full USB packet (512 bytes / 128 samples) lying around. The
existing code kludges around the problem. Good ideas & concerns! Lets
figure out a way to solve it! Eric
the scheduler. I do the fg.stop() fg.dissconnect_all() and reconnect the
I’ve been banging my head for weeks on this( I hate to ask for help when
the process involves the learning curve. I consider it a right of passage
taskbut at this point I could use the help.
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