If someone has ever measured Quality of service of received data (using
modulation and daughter board but preferably RFX2400) in terms of packet
loss rate/Bit Error Rate (or any other metric) with USRP & GNU Radio
any error correction (ARQ,FEC) mechanism (but no problem if you have
error correction mechnism) then please share your results here.
Actually without and error correction mechanism, with FSK, I am getting
almost half of my data lost. I was thinking that it may be improved by
adding some error correction mechanism. Or this high data loss is
because of
some implementation errors…What do you say ???
I am using RFX2400 daughter boards,
VERT2450 antenna which I received with my USRP from ettus,
I have tried different bitrates from 40kbps - 100kbps but got same
I am not observing any overrun or underrun,
I am working in office environment where I dont have any interference
Gain = 0, but I have tried other values [0-20].
George N. wrote:
error correction mechnism) then please share your results here.
Actually without and error correction mechanism, with FSK, I am getting almost half of my data lost.
A 50% BER can be a sign that your bits aren’t making it through it
all. I would guess you have some issues other than just needing error
correction. I would check to make sure that there is not something
wrong with your set up.
Keep in mind that a receiver which randomly guesses bits should
achieve a BER of 40-60% because data of any kind ends up with a close
to equal distribution of high bits and low bits.
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 09:45:55AM -0700, kaleem ahmad wrote:
I am using RFX2400 daughter boards,
VERT2450 antenna which I received with my USRP from ettus,
I have tried different bitrates from 40kbps - 100kbps but got same results,
I am not observing any overrun or underrun,
I am working in office environment where I dont have any interference
Gain = 0, but I have tried other values [0-20].
What version of GNU Radio are you using?
There is no FSK code in the trunk nor in the latest tarball. I
removed it long ago because the code that was there didn’t work and
there was no one maintaining it.
You can save yourself and the rest of us a lot of trouble by using the
latest code either from a tarball or the svn trunk. Since you appear
to be somewhat of a beginner, I suggest you start with a tarball: