I’m studying benchmark_tx.py now. I find that the packet size is not
right (at least I’d like to think so) in the process of making packet,
which can be seen in pkt.py and packet_utils.py. In the packet consist
of 2 bytes packed_preamble, 8 bytes packed_access_code, 4 bytes header,
4 bytes outband_crc with default 1500 bytes size, padding bytes and
endbyte"\x55" . I use default gmsk modulatiom. So, the packet have 2 + 8
- 4 + 1504 + 1 + 1 = 1520bytes.
However, in the function of _npadding_bytes(pkt_bytes_len,
samples_per_symbol, bits_per_symbol) , there have such description:
“generate sufficient padding such that each packet ultimately ends up
being a multiple of 512 bytes when sent across the USB, we send 4-byte
samples across the USB (16-bit I and 16-bit Q), thus we want to pad so
that after modulation the resulting packet is a multiple of 128
samples”. Also , in the function "int usrp_basic_tx::write(const void
*buf, int len, bool *underrun)"in the usrp_basic.cc, there have similar
code like “if (len < 0 || (len % 512) != 0){fprintf(stderr,
“usrp_basic_tx::write: invalid length = %d\n”, len}”.
they both tell me that the data across the USB must be a multiple of
512 bytes .but in the example of benchmark_tx.py, the packet size is
1520 bytes. what’s wrong ?
Can anybody account for me? thank you!
best wishes
在2010-05-10,[email protected] 写é“:
On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 11:28 PM, zzw.1012 [email protected] wrote:
“generate sufficient padding such that each packet ultimately ends up being
a multiple of 512 bytes when sent across the USB, we send 4-byte samples
across the USB (16-bit I and 16-bit Q), thus we want to pad so that after
modulation the resulting packet is a multiple of 128 samples”. Also , in the
function "int usrp_basic_tx::write(const void *buf, int len, bool
*underrun)"in the usrp_basic.cc, there have similar code like “if (len < 0
|| (len % 512) != 0){fprintf(stderr, “usrp_basic_tx::write: invalid length
= %d\n”, len}”.
they both tell me that the data across the USB must be a multiple of 512
bytes .but in the example of benchmark_tx.py, the packet size is 1520
bytes. what’s wrong ?
1520 bytes only refers to the packet size. The transmitted sample
stream at the physical layer includes a number of other factors
including conversion to bits, samples per symbol, and sample size. So
for the default case, a 1520 byte packet using 4 samples per symbol
yields 48640 samples or 194560 bytes, which is a multiple of 512.
Hi, Thomas
thanks for your help ! you are right!
I add printf code in the function of usrp_basic.cc like this:
int usrp_basic_tx::write(const void *buf, int len, bool *underrun)
printf (“len = %d\n”, len);
if (len < 0 || (len % 512) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, “usrp_basic_tx::write: invalid length= %d\n”, len);
then I run the example of benchmark_tx.py :
./benchmark_tx.py -f 2500M -s 1500 -M 0.001
it really send 194560 bytes = 190k for the default case using 4 samples
per symbol and it send 380k with -M 0.002.
but , I still have some question. first , after making packet with 1520
bytes, then whether is it going on gmsk(default) modulation? I think the
1520-bytes packet changes to 190kbytes occur in the process of gmsk. Is
it right? how to calculate the number from 1520 to 194560?
second, in the process of sending packet, the printf information as
(./benchmark_tx.py -f 2500M -s 1500 -M 0.001)
len = 16384
len = 15872
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 15872
len = 16384
len = 512
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 14848
Is there have some discipline in sending data? I find it seems
thank you again
best wishes
Hi, can u help me?
I want to know which are the step and the file to recompile after a
in .cc code…After add the printf code in .cc what have u done?
I have to modify a .cc code to use this modification in a py script as a
method…but i don’t get on with the job…
zzw.1012 wrote:
fprintf(stderr, “usrp_basic_tx::write: invalid length= %d\n”, len);
second, in the process of sending packet, the printf information as
len = 16384
outband_crc with default 1500 bytes size, padding bytes and
across the USB (16-bit I and 16-bit Q), thus we want to pad so that
of 512
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2010/5/11 zzw.1012 [email protected]:
(./benchmark_tx.py -f 2500M -s 1500 -M 0.001)
len = 16384
len = 16384
len = 14848
Is there have some discipline in sending data? I find it seems unorderly.
Most of these values will be dependent on the modulator. Using the
default settings, you have 8 bits per byte, 1 bit per symbol, 4
samples per symbol, and 4 bytes per sample (16-bit I&Q).
The variability is due to the nature of streaming data and the
GNURadio runtime implementation. At the abstraction level going into
the usrp, there is no notion of fixed packet sizes or frame
boundaries, just samples. The repeated value you see of 16384 bytes is
related to the maximum size of transfer blocks in the underlying USB
HI Domenico,
You can ‘make’(from terminal) the folder in which you have modified .cc
.py files.
It should work fine if there are not errors in your modifications…
Kuntal Ray
Thanks so much
I’m deeply sorry but i have to disturb u again…
I changed the file “db_dbsrx.c” in “/gnuradio/usrp2/firmaware/lib” to
insert a new method and c++ compiling at command window is not my best
asset…Which are the command to type…?
$ gcc db_dbsrx.c......and what else? which option have i to add
compile it?
The python file is in a different folder cause i have to recall a new
in usrp2.source_32fc() that now is not defined…
Kuntal-2 wrote:
I want to know which are the step and the file to recompile after a
len = 16384
best wishes
|| (len % 512) != 0){fprintf(stderr, "usrp_basic_tx::write: invalid
for the default case, a 1520 byte packet using 4 samples per symbol
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
[email protected]
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View this message in context:
Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:29 AM, meco1982 [email protected] wrote:
Thanks so much
I’m deeply sorry but i have to disturb u again…
I changed the file “db_dbsrx.c” in “/gnuradio/usrp2/firmaware/lib” to
insert a new method and c++ compiling at command window is not my best
asset…Which are the command to type…?
$ gcc db_dbsrx.c......and what else? which option have i to add to
compile it?
You shouldn’t be calling gcc directly here. You just need to call
‘make’ from the firmware directory, and it will re-build your changes.
John O.
CEO/System Architect
Epiq Solutions