Package libusrp-dev on Ubuntu Precise 12.04


Where can I find libusrp-dev for Ubuntu 12.04?

This packet has been removed of the repository…
I really need this packet for my app with OpenBTS and USRP1

Hope you can help me. Thanks,


On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Vanessa Q.
[email protected] wrote:


Where can I find libusrp-dev for Ubuntu 12.04?

This packet has been removed of the repository…
I really need this packet for my app with OpenBTS and USRP1

Hope you can help me. Thanks,



We (in GNU Radio) have completely moved away from using libusrp, and
the packaging in Ubuntu was ancient at this point, anyways. I’m
actually glad it’s been removed from 12.04. We are actively working to
get new releases as part of apt-get in Debian/Ubuntu and are almost

For your needs, though, the best thing to do is probably check out a
copy of GNU Radio BEFORE version 3.5.0. Version 3.4.2 can be found:

You can use this to just build libusrp if you want. I think this
command while configuring should work:
./configure --disable-all --enable-usrp

But it’s been a while; you might need to do a bit more than just that.
It should tell you what you need, though.


Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your response.
Do you know approximately when this new package will be available?



2012/5/4 Tom R. [email protected]