I have this as a lone method, but it seems to me there should already
be a way to do this with the ‘pp’ lib. (If not perhaps we could add
I believe that pp calls Object#pretty_print - the source will tell you
I looked at that and didn’t see how that would help. As it says…
“To define your customized pretty printing function for your classes,
redefine a method pretty_print(pp) in the class. It takes an argument
pp which is an instance of the class PP. The method should use
PP#text, PP#breakable, PP#nest, PP#group and PP#pp to print the
Don’t see off-hand how that can help easily get a string of what it
would output.
I looked at that and didn’t see how that would help. As it says…
“To define your customized pretty printing function for your classes,
redefine a method pretty_print(pp) in the class. It takes an argument
pp which is an instance of the class PP. The method should use
PP#text, PP#breakable, PP#nest, PP#group and PP#pp to print the
Don’t see off-hand how that can help easily get a string of what it
would output.
Sorry, i had the wrong method in mind, what you want is most likely
puts (1…30).to_a.pretty_inspect