OWLScribble 0.9.0; TagTreeScanner 0.8.1

The TagTreeScanner class provides a generic framework for creating a
nested hierarchy of tags and text (like XML or HTML) by parsing text.

gem install tagtreescanner

OWLScribble is the reason that I wrote TagTreeScanner. It’s a specific
application of TagTreeScanner that converts a particular syntax of
wiki text markup into HTML. (Because I’m really used to OpenWiki’s
markup, wanted to improve it a hair, and bring it from the land of
VBScript ASP into Ruby for a wiki framework I’m working on.)

gem install owlscribble

For an example of the markup used by OWLScribble, see:

Both libraries are now released under the MIT license instead of my
own egotistical license.

My thanks to Bil K. for his swift assistance and excellent url for
getting me started packaging these up as gems, to ‘topfunky’ for his
helpful nuby tutorial on creating a gem using Hoe, and to Ryan D.
for the simplicity of Hoe. (Even if I am cranky that it requires .txt
extensions on things like README.)