Dear Community,
I’m using Ruby and especially Ruby on Rails only for a short time, so
please excuse me, if the answer to my following question is obvious.
Please also excuse my bad English, it’s not my mother tongue - feel
free to give me hints how to improve my English 
I have a two model files called StorageSlot and Product:
class StorageSlot < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
belongs_to :building
class Building < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :storage_slots
Now I can access all products belonging to a slot by using
slot.products. I even can add products using slot.products <<,, slot.products.create, and so on. Each slot has a
specified number of maximal products, which is of course not
recognized by these methods. How can I overwrite them to perform a
check if the slot is already full ?
I hope you understand my problem as I don’t have any ideas how to
solve it. Thank you for your help in advance and greetings from
On Jun 11, 5:10 pm, Christoph [email protected] wrote:
class Building < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :storage_slots
I assume you mean class Product.
Now I can access all products belonging to a slot by using
slot.products. I even can add products using slot.products <<,, slot.products.create, and so on. Each slot has a
specified number of maximal products, which is of course not
recognized by these methods. How can I overwrite them to perform a
check if the slot is already full ?
Use a before_add callback ?
Yes, I’m sorry, I copied the false piece of code^^ :(.
On 11 Jun., 18:18, Frederick C. [email protected]
I assume you mean class Product.
Yes, I’m very sorry, I copied the false piece of code^^ :(.
Use a before_add callback ?
Sorry, as I’m a newbie, could you please explain it to me.
On 11 Jun 2008, at 17:29, Christoph wrote:
Use a before_add callback ?
Sorry, as I’m a newbie, could you please explain it to me.
see association callbacks at
see association callbacks at…
Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I’m very
glad about the quick and friendly help and - once again - about the
capabilities of Rails.