Overloading Array Subtraction operator


I have two arrays of hashes, and I’d like to subtract them to find the
difference elements between them eg.

array1 = Array.new
array2 = Array.new

tmp = {:name => “fred”, :phone => “545334”}
tmp2 = tmp1.dup

tmp3 = {:name => “stan”, :phone => “hehe”}

arraydiff = array1 - array2

What methods would I have to overload to accomplish this task? I
could not find an example like this anywhere!


From: Nicko [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 10:30 AM

arraydiff = array1 - array2

What methods would I have to overload to accomplish this task? I
could not find an example like this anywhere!

array1 - array2

is just a shorthand for


where “-” is normal method name.

So, you can just do

class Array
def -(other)


The - operator compares objects by their ID, so they aren’t removed
unless they are instances of the same object. They may have the same
value, but be separate instances like this example. You can accomplish
what you want like this:

array1.select{|x| !array2.include? x}

=> [{:name=>“stan”, :phone=>"hehe}]

Array#include? compares using == so they are compared by value, not by
their #object_id.

[:a, :b, :c].object_id # => 2711200
[:a, :b, :c].object_id # => 2690960 … a new instance, same value


Thank you both!

I ended up with

class SuperArray < Array
def -(other)
self.select{|x| !other.include? x}

and it works great :slight_smile: I can optimise it later :slight_smile:


On 10.06.2007 10:25, Nicko wrote:

and it works great :slight_smile: I can optimise it later :slight_smile:

It is usually not such a good idea to inherit base classes like Array
and Hash. Here are two more healthy approaches.

  1. wrap Array with a class that represents the concept (which one btw?)
    your Array is used for. Then implement #- (and all the other methods).

  2. wrap Hash with a class that represents the concept (which one btw?)
    your Hash is used for. Then implement #==, #hash and #eql? accordingly.

The basic reason why your code does not work as you would like it to
work is that Hash does not implement #eql? and #hash in a way that
considers Hash content (for the reasons please search the archives, the
topic has come up frequently). Note:

irb(main):037:0> h={:foo=>:bar}
=> {:foo=>:bar}
irb(main):038:0> h == h.dup
=> true
irb(main):039:0> h.eql? h.dup
=> false
irb(main):040:0> h.hash == h.dup.hash
=> false

Kind regards


On Jun 10, 2:56 am, “Erwin A.” [email protected] wrote:

The - operator compares objects by their ID, so they aren’t removed
unless they are instances of the same object.

Is that so? Then why does this work?

irb(main):001:0> %w{a b c} - %w{b}
=> [“a”, “c”]

And any number of similar examples.

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 07:50:35PM +0900, Robert K. wrote:

It is usually not such a good idea to inherit base classes like Array
and Hash.

That is an interesting statement. I don’t think I agree with it, but I’d
like to hear your reasoning behind it.

Kind regards

In message [email protected],
Yossef M. writes:

Is that so? Then why does this work?

Because all instances of the same string are indeed instances of the
same object.


On 6/10/07, Yossef M. [email protected] wrote:

Is that so? Then why does this work?

irb(main):001:0> %w{a b c} - %w{b}
=> [“a”, “c”]

Yes, I responded hastily. The rdocs for Array#- don’t say how objects
are compared so I made a bad assumption. I only meant to convey it
wasn’t being done by comparing values.

Thanks for pointing that out.

On 6/10/07, Erwin A. [email protected] wrote:

Yes, I responded hastily. The rdocs for Array#- don’t say how objects
are compared so I made a bad assumption. I only meant to convey it
wasn’t being done by comparing values.

… at least with the array of Hashes, Hash#hash is used and not
Hash#== or some value based comparison. I’m not sure how it’s done
with Strings or Fixnums, I’d have to check the source code probably.
Check it out with the profiler:

$ ruby -rprofile -e ‘[{:a=>3}] - [{:b=>0,:a=>0}]’
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name
0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 Kernel.hash
0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Array#-
0.00 0.01 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 #toplevel

$ ruby -rprofile -e ‘%w[a b c] - %w[b d e f]’
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name
0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Array#-
0.00 0.01 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 #toplevel

$ ruby -rprofile -e ‘[1,2,3] - [0,3,5]’
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name
0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Array#-
0.00 0.01 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 #toplevel



Peter S. wrote:

Because all instances of the same string are indeed instances of the
same object.

=> false

Or did I misunderstand what you’re saying?

In message [email protected], Sebastian H.

Peter S. wrote:

Because all instances of the same string are indeed instances of the
same object.

=> false

Or did I misunderstand what you’re saying?

I could just be wrong. I should not answer questions in the morning.


On Jun 10, 8:46 pm, Robert K. [email protected] wrote:

It is usually not such a good idea to inherit base classes like Array
and Hash. Here are two more healthy approaches.

The code is meant to be getting two lists of files, one on a usb stick
and one on a network share, putting them in hashes (for filename, size
and md5 hash) and now i want a list of the files that are in one list
but not on the other.

If the hashes are the same, they won’t be the same instance because
they were generated seperately.

Why is inheriting from Array not a healthy approach?

Sorry I’m a ruby newbie.

Thanks for the below info, it just seems like an overkill for what i
am doing.


On 10.06.2007 17:38, Gregory S. wrote:

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 07:50:35PM +0900, Robert K. wrote:

It is usually not such a good idea to inherit base classes like Array
and Hash.

That is an interesting statement. I don’t think I agree with it, but I’d
like to hear your reasoning behind it.

This has been discusses numerous times - even here. On a conceptual
level basically more often than not a user defined class XYZ /is not/ an
Array but /uses/ an Array (for storing something). More practically by
inheriting Array you conveniently publish all methods you might consider
useful but you also publish methods that allow for direct Array
manipulation - which is especially bad if you want to ensure some
additional constraints (e.g. a certain element order). While you can
/unpublish/ methods with Ruby IMHO it is less error prone to explicitly
define methods that you want to allow on your class. (Just consider a
new version of Ruby is available which adds methods to Array that you do
not want to be available for your clients but which by default /are/
available unless you change your code as well. If you use delegation in
this case you do not have to do anything about it.

If you disagree then you might be sharing a camp with Bertrand Meyer
whom I regard highly for his book OOSE, where he also promotes
implementation inheritance (which you find in Eiffel). Note though that
in Eiffel you have more options to control visibility of methods and
inheritance than in Ruby and the compiler will catch many mistakes you
can make in this area.

Kind regards


On 11.06.2007 03:25, Nicko wrote:

On Jun 10, 8:46 pm, Robert K. [email protected] wrote:

It is usually not such a good idea to inherit base classes like Array
and Hash. Here are two more healthy approaches.

The code is meant to be getting two lists of files, one on a usb stick
and one on a network share, putting them in hashes (for filename, size
and md5 hash) and now i want a list of the files that are in one list
but not on the other.

Why then don’t you just substract key arrays (assuming that your keys
are file names)? Or is size and MD5 important for your comparison? In
that case I’d probably do this:

FileInfo = Struct.new :file_name, :size, :md5

If you put instances of this class in an Array or Set your substraction
logic will work.

If the hashes are the same, they won’t be the same instance because
they were generated seperately.

Why is inheriting from Array not a healthy approach?

See my other reply.

Kind regards
