Hi there,
Im wondering how to best go about this and would appreciate some general
pointers etc.
just a language learning site where users can can write posts both in
their native language and the language they are learning.
Users can view all the posts that are in their native language or the
ones in the langauge they are learning.
I know i need a user and post models but do I also need a language one?
A user has many posts and a post belongs to a language
A language has many posts
is that right?
Should i be creating a relationhip between the language model and the
A user has a native language
A user has a foreign language
It doesnt sound right to me plus i dont even know how I could
technically set that up as thats two “has a” to the same language model.
Instead I thought in my user objects Ill have two attributes, native
language and foreign languge. When they write a post theyll specify if
its in their native or foreign language. Then Controller->post>create
will take that option and do something like
@sentence = @user.post.build(params[:post])
How is the above app design???