Other validations fail even if there is no validates_presence_of


I have a set of validations like:
validates_format_of :city,
:with => /^[a-zA-Z\s’&]+$/,
:message => “is not a valid name”

validates_format_of :zip,
:with => /^[\d]{5}+$/,
:allow_nil => true,
:message => “is not a valid zip code”

But I don’t have a validates_presence_of :city, :zip.

I want to validate the format only if user has entered some value into
the fields. But both the _format_of hooks are trying to validate an
empty value. Any idea how I can stop this behavior?


Add :allow_nil => true to the city validation. You only have it on the
zip code validation.


Love AJAX wrote:

                  :message => "is not a valid zip code"


William P.

:allow_nil => true didn’t work on these validations. Instead I had to
do something like :if => Proc.new{|profile| profile != “”}. This works
fine. So my code now looks like this:

validates_format_of :zip,
:with => /^[\d]{5}+$/,
:if => Proc.new {|profile| profile.zip != “”},
:message => “is not a valid zip code”

validates_format_of :city,
:with => /^[a-zA-Z\s'&]+$/,
:if => Proc.new {|profile| profile.city != “”},
:message => “is not a valid name”

See the last sentence of
Peak Obsession.

Thanks much.