OT: Tables and Rails code

This might be off topic, not entirely sure. Basically I’ve created a
table to return data and it seems that the column headings repeat
along with the entries. So perhaps it’s where I’m placing the code and
not so much my HTML.

Ideas, solutions appreciated:

Current job openings

<% for position in @positions -%>
Current postings
Custom ID Company First entered Started on Post length Days left Category City State PayType Exp reqd
<%= position.company_job_id %> <%= position.comapny_id %> <%= position.entered_on_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %> <%= position.start_on_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %> <%= position.display_length %> <%= position.days_left %> <%= position.category_id %> <%= position.city %> <%= position.state.name %> <%= position.ann_or_hrly %> <%= position.exp_reqs_id %>
<% end %>

Dark A. wrote:

City <%= position.comapny_id %>
<% end %>

Your for loop should just be around the


You want one div, one table, and many rows.

