Can anybody recommend a good book on client side javascript? I’ve been
using JS very conservatively for years, but it’s changed so much and
browser support is now finally pretty decent. With all the great stuff
possible today I’d like to understand things a bit better rather than
just use the (great) scripts that come bundled with Rails.
On Saturday 19 November 2005 14:21, Jeroen H. wrote:
Can anybody recommend a good book on client side javascript?
David Flanagan
JavaScript. The Definitive Guide
O’Reilly 2002
There’s no substitute for this one as a guide to the language and
reference. Apparently, a new edition is in the works, but not yet
Stuart Langridge
DHTML Utopia. Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
Sitepoint 2005
A good how-to guide based on examples.
Nicholas Zakas
Professional JavaScript for Web D.s
Wrox 2005
More foundations than Langridge, but not as advanced.
Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello, Darren James
Ajax in Action
Manning 2005
Currently the best treatment of all the Ajax stuff.
Unfortunately, all these books are thoroughly lacking in the testing
Can anybody recommend a good book on client side javascript? I’ve
been using JS very conservatively for years, but it’s changed so
much and browser support is now finally pretty decent. With all
the great stuff possible today I’d like to understand things a bit
better rather than just use the (great) scripts that come bundled
with Rails.
Can’t give a definitive answer yet, but I just got Jeremy Keith’s
“DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object
Model” [1] from Amazon and it seems to be pretty much what a
standards-aware web designer/hacker would want from a JavaScript book.