On 5/21/06, ReggW [email protected] wrote:
Rafael Z. wrote:
I never said I knew one IDE based on Visual Studio.
What I really meant was: Why you, software companies, only think in
as your development plataform? Not only for IDE but for everything.Because its a platform with consistency and its what pays my bills.
consistency? how about security and control? does windows know such
Take any application that runs both in windows and linux and you’ll see
in Linux it runs much better, eg. If you like games, try to run Unreal
Tournament in Windows and then run it in linux with the same machine
It’s the Linux zealots that seem to have a chip on their shoulder.Let it go…they can both co-exist.
Yes they can, for sure they can, but Mr. Bill and Mr. Ballmer don’t
this way (have you ever read “Get the facts”?). I’m not beeing a FOSS
preacher, since I believe you have to charge for your work, BUT
interoperability is the big point. I believe that companies MUST offer
multiplataform solutions since I WANT THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE!
In other words, because it’s an OS by hackers, there is no consistency
to the OS, to the programs you install, to how you install programs,
funky configuration files with little or no help on it’s purpose, etc…Since Linux lovers tell Windows lovers to use cygwin when a program
doesn’t exist, I’m telling you to use VMWare and Windows…that should
solve your problem.Good Day
Have you ever tried any Debian-like Linux? Or Suse? or RedHat/Fedora?
never found a easier way to install any software in Windows, since I
first go to my software dealer and pay hundreds and hundreds of dolars
for a
office solution (the MS Way).
I’m not against MS-Office or even MS-Windows (in my opinion, microsoft
lose to Apple in UI Design and usability), also, I’m not against take
from my work, but I must think in every user when I make a software.
the macromedia/adobe example… If they can port Studio MX to OSX,
they can make a Linux Version…
Sorry for this great OT in this discussion, from my part I have nothing
to say, except that I use Computers since I was 11 years old (I’m 25
and I’ve never found a plataform so complete, fast, secure and stable as
Linux. If you think different, well, great!!! It’s a free world and you
all the right to make your choises and have your opinion. This is called
Freedom, and that’s it what I’m defending here. My freedom to choose my
plataform, and my right to find the software I need to be used in my
plataform, even if I must pay hundreds of dolars (or Reais, our
currency) to
have it.