[OT]Development Patterns

Hello all,

I’m curious as to what development models other people/teams follow when
creating web applications.

My company has been using the waterfall model(
Waterfall model - Wikipedia) for quite some time now.
I’m not completely conviced that it is the right process for web
development. I’ve been doing web development for about 6 years now
this process and the last project that I finished really made me think
it just isn’t cutting it. Has anybody used the spiral or any other
iterative method? How did it work out?


I think most Rails developers use the Agile methodology.
Rails tends to move you into that way of doing things. Hell… the book
is even called Agile Development with Rails.

I myself is more of a “press a bunch of buttons until something nice
comes out” person as I’m only developing in Rails as a hobby.

On 6/27/06, Rob M. [email protected] wrote:

that it just isn’t cutting it. Has anybody used the spiral or any other