OT - Debt Collection agency for Contractor payments?

I’m guessing there are a fair number of people on this board that make
their living doing software contract work. After more than twenty years
of doing this on-and-off, for the very first time I’m having difficulty
getting paid. I guess I’ve been luck up until now.

I was wondering if those here who have tried the collection agency route
could let me know of their experience with it. Is it successful in
general, or a waste of time? How long should I wait before starting
this process? Is there a better way?

Right now it’s “only” been 45 days since the invoice, but the company is
not responding to my inquiries about when I can expect payment.

thanks and sorry for being a bit off topic,

Jeff P. wrote:

I’m guessing there are a fair number of people on this board that make
their living doing software contract work.

The rails-business Google Group is all about these kinds of issues!