Aleksandar L. ha scritto:
MySQL requests (insert/update/delete)
Generate HTML-Files with templates => static files
Work with nginx 
Well, any language will work with Nginx, as long as it has an
HTTP/FastCGI/SCGI server implementation.
As for languages embedded inside Nginx, the only choices at the moment
are Python and Perl.
As small as possible mem and cpu usage => efficient interpreter
The memory usage usually depends on the package you use.
The python interpreter in mod_wsgi takes about 3616 KB in the master
process and 1908 KB for each worker.
io seems interesting, I did not knew it.
Lua seems the best choice, however it does not have all the packages
available for Python and Perl.
I’m very interested in developing a module for lua (or io), mostly for
testing the best possible integration with the Nginx event module.
For mod_wsgi I have implemented the ngx.poll extension:
but it’s not very usable yet.
For really scalable applications you can also consider Erlang;
unfortunayely its syntax is not good, but many use it since there are no
better choices (Haskell is interesting too, but it is not as mature as
Erlang for network applications - and this is very unfortunate)
I know about
but this page don’t tell me how the language behave underload or when
there is a problem with the IO (network/disk/…)
You can test it with Nginx mod_perl and mod_wsgi.
However if the application is IO bound, then the performance are not the
Thank you for your opinions 
Regards Manlio P.