OS X Leopard usrper error - omnithread?

Just built GNU Radio on Mac OS X Leopard, and the “Hello World” Dial
example worked fine. Tried running ‘usrper’ to see if it built OK and
the following error:

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found:
Referenced from: /Users/andrew/gr2/lib/libusrp.0.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN11omni_thread6init_tC1Ev
Referenced from: /Users/andrew/gr2/lib/libusrp.0.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace

There is no usrp attached. Eagerly awaiting delivery and thought I’d try
get as much as I could ready in advance. Perhaps with no device attached
this error is normal, but suspected something in my build/environment
may be
wrong. LDFLAGS is set and lib/ contains:

rhys:lib andrew$ ls -l libgr*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 andrew staff 32544 24 Dec 23:44
lrwxr-xr-x 1 andrew staff 27 24 Dec 23:44 libgromnithread.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 andrew staff 27 24 Dec 23:44 libgromnithread.dylib ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 andrew staff 913 24 Dec 23:44 libgromnithread.la

Tried with build from SVN and 3.1.1 tarball.

Have I missed something? Or should I just wait for the usrp to arrive…



Andrew - You’ll need to work with the SVN trunk as of r7252
(yesterday). I checked in changes for OSX (any version) to include
the omnithread library in the compilation of the USRP’s library and
applications. Updating to the latest SVN will take care of the
“Symbol not found” issue; I don’t know about the USRP or not issue. -

On 25/12/07 00:30, “Michael D.” [email protected] wrote:

Andrew - You’ll need to work with the SVN trunk as of r7252
(yesterday). I checked in changes for OSX (any version) to include
the omnithread library in the compilation of the USRP’s library and
applications. Updating to the latest SVN will take care of the
“Symbol not found” issue; I don’t know about the USRP or not issue. -

That appears to have done the trick, many thanks Michael!

