this is my first post in the list!
OK, the thing goes…
I compiled gnuradio from source using methods/scripts described in
gnuradio wiki on OSX 10.4.11 Intel.
The problem I have is with audio input. Output is working fine
(dial_tone.py is wowking), but when I try to use audio input, I get:
Error# -10863 (’???’)
I enabled debugging, compiled again and there’s the debug info I got
besides the error:
$ python /usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/audio/audio_fft.py -r 96000
14450: UserWarning: wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatch
warnings.warn(“wxPython/wxWidgets release number mismatch”)
source(): max # samples = 96000
---- Device Stream Format ----
Sample Rate : 96000
Format ID : mcpl
Format Flags : 9
Bytes per Packet : 8
Frames per Packet : 1
Bytes per Frame : 8
Channels per Frame : 2
Bits per Channel : 32
---- Client Stream Format ----
Sample Rate : 44100
Format ID : mcpl)
Format Flags : 29
Bytes per Packet : 4
Frames per Packet : 1
Bytes per Frame : 4
Channels per Frame : 2
Bits per Channel : 32
audio_osx_source Parameters:
Device Sample Rate is 96000
User Sample Rate is 96000
Max Sample Count is 96000
Device Channels is 2
Max Channels is 2
Device Buffer Size is Frames = 1024
Lead Size is Frames = 0
Trail Size is Frames = 0
Input Buffer Size is Frames = 1028
Output Buffer Size is Frames = 1024
chk_topo: Actual # user output channels = 1
work1: SC = 0, #OI = 8191, #Chan = 1
cb0: in#F = 1024, inBN = 1, SC = 0
Looks like a bug in audio_osx_source.cc? Or have I compiled against
some wrong/old/too new librarys?
Hi Jaanus - Welcome to GNU Radio! What you found might be a bug in
the code; I haven’t looked at it or updated it in a long time. I
can’t look into this issue today, but I will tomorrow (Friday). In
the mean time, could you provide to me (on or off list, your choice)
which Mac model you’re using (and any significant changes to the base
configuration), which version of XCode, and by which means you
installed the background requirements (e.g., MacPorts, Fink, by hand;
which versions of these did you install)? Are you using the SVN
trunk, or a release (and, which version / revision)? Also, the output
of ‘env’ executed in your shell would be useful, as would the outputs
of ‘configure’ and ‘make’. Thanks! - MLD
The problem I have is with audio input. Output is working fine (dial_tone.py is wowking), but when I try
to use audio input, I get:
2009/4/30 Michael D. [email protected]:
code; I haven’t looked at it or updated it in a long time. I can’t look
into this issue today, but I will tomorrow (Friday).
If you want to keep messing with this in the meantime, I recall that
there were a few issues getting audio input in gnuradio to work for me
at first with (an earlier version of ) 10.4
First, the ‘dumb’ problem, make sure voice control is off, apple has
it on by default, and you can turn it off in system
Secondly, there were issues with sample rate. You specified 96k as
the input sample rate, I’m reasonably sure that I could only get it to
work with lower rates (i.e. <40k) on my MBP C2D (with the very
informative name of ‘intel audio device’).
Finally, there was an issue where garage band (even when closed) had
‘claimed’ control over the microphone. I had to go in and set its
default input device to null.
I’m not sure exactly what you are doing, I was only playing around to
try and get a handle on gr before my usrp got here so I didn’t need a
whole lot of functionality, but at least you have something to try in
the meantime.
Michael, I hope you got my mail with the logs you requested. I’ll
note that all packages from macports are up to date.