Ordered Collection

If class X has a method <=>(aX), I can sort an Array containing
instances of X using Array.sort!.

What I really would like is an array that is always ordered. IOW, I want
the object to be inserted at the correct location inside the array when
the object is added to the array.

Is there an efficient way to do this?


On Mar 11, 2008, at 3:43 AM, Peter H. wrote:

What I really would like is an array that is always ordered. IOW, I
the object to be inserted at the correct location inside the array
the object is added to the array.

Is there an efficient way to do this?

You could use a priority queue. You can see some pure Ruby code for
this in an old Ruby Q.:


James Edward G. II

2008/3/11, Peter H. [email protected]:

If class X has a method <=>(aX), I can sort an Array containing
instances of X using Array.sort!.

What I really would like is an array that is always ordered. IOW, I want
the object to be inserted at the correct location inside the array when
the object is added to the array.

Is there an efficient way to do this?

Yes. You can either use binary search on the Array to insert or you
use a Tree. Both can be found in RAA:


Kind regards


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 7:52 AM, James G. [email protected]

You could use a priority queue. You can see some pure Ruby code for
this in an old Ruby Q.:

Ruby Quiz - Drawing Trees (#40)

James Edward G. II

Heaps have some limitations that might not work for your application:

  • can’t delete elements
  • can’t find an arbitrary element - and iterate over elements in its

A tree (red-black, AVL, etc) is quite a bit more flexible if you need
functionality. In terms of big-O performance (runtime and memory) and
functionality, I don’t believe heaps offer advantages.

For my day job, I use mostly use C++ that has heaps and red-black trees
your fingertips (in STL). Occasionally, I’ve started with a heap
because it
fit the functional requirements (and I know it is more memory efficient

but, not for big-O). Later, many times I’ve had to swap it for a tree
set or map in STL), because I needed more functionality.

Ruby, unfortunately is really lacking on this front. When doing
stuff, I find every ounce of C++ STL useful. An STL-like ruby lib would
useful. External iterators are also very important. Ruby’s normal
iterators (what others might call visitors) don’t have the same
(caller can go forward/backward/read/write/erase/insert at will).

2008/3/11, Eric M. [email protected]:

Ruby, unfortunately is really lacking on this front.

Did you see my references to libs in RAA? Do they lack something that
you need?

When doing geometric
stuff, I find every ounce of C++ STL useful. An STL-like ruby lib would be
useful. External iterators are also very important. Ruby’s normal internal
iterators (what others might call visitors) don’t have the same flexibility
(caller can go forward/backward/read/write/erase/insert at will).

That’s an interesting point you make. I haven’t noticed the lack of
external iterators (there is in fact an implementation, albeit with
limited functionality) so far. For me the most pressing disadvantage
of #each and family so far was that you cannot iterate several
collections at the same time with this. For random access you can use
an Array with index. And for Arrays it would be fairly easy to write
a thin wrapper around such an index which will allow all the movements
and operations you are wanting.

For deletions there are also methods that will do the job with O(n).
Alternatively, when using Arrays, you can use #splice! and []=.

Can you leak a bit more information about the scenarios where you need
more / different behavior?

Kind regards


On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:52:23 -0500, James G. wrote:

this in an old Ruby Q.:

Ruby Quiz - Drawing Trees (#40)

James Edward G. II

Binary heap-based priority queues make no (obvious) guarantee about the
order of elements, execept that first element in the array is the
minimum. More complicated heap structures don’t even guarantee that
there’s an array in there at all.


Peter H. wrote:

If class X has a method <=>(aX), I can sort an Array containing
instances of X using Array.sort!.

What I really would like is an array that is always ordered. IOW, I want
the object to be inserted at the correct location inside the array when
the object is added to the array.

Is there an efficient way to do this?


One option is to subclass Array and override the methods you use to
insert the elements. For example, consider the following:

class OrderedArray < Array
def []=(index, element)

def push(element)

You could even add the code to insert the element in the correct place,
but this is a good start.

Another option is to use delegation to wrap the Array, and just
implement the methods you desire:

class OrderedArray < Array
def initialize
@array = []
def []=(index, element)


def pop
def push(element)

With kind Regards, Sam and Harm

Robert K. wrote:

2008/3/11, Peter H. [email protected]:

If class X has a method <=>(aX), I can sort an Array containing
instances of X using Array.sort!.

What I really would like is an array that is always ordered. IOW, I want
the object to be inserted at the correct location inside the array when
the object is added to the array.

Is there an efficient way to do this?

Yes. You can either use binary search on the Array to insert or you
use a Tree. Both can be found in RAA:


Thanks Robert, this RAA is a little treasure chest!

Actually, I found the the bsearch array extensions do a fantastic job
for what I need. The only thing I added was a couple of methods to
add/remove elements:

Add an element at the correct location (does not allow duplicates)

def bsearch_insert(element)
bounds = bsearch_range { | x | x <=> element }
if bounds.first == bounds.last then
self.insert(bounds.first, element)

Delete an element from the array

def bsearch_delete(element)
idx = bsearch_first { | x | x <=> element }
self.delete_at(idx) unless idx == nil

Thanks heaps (to all the other people who replied too of course!)

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Robert K.
[email protected]

2008/3/11, Eric M. [email protected]:

Ruby, unfortunately is really lacking on this front.

Did you see my references to libs in RAA? Do they lack something that you

Sorry, I didn’t see your post. I jumped in the thread later. I have
that red-black tree API before.

external iterators (there is in fact an implementation, albeit with
limited functionality) so far. For me the most pressing disadvantage
of #each and family so far was that you cannot iterate several
collections at the same time with this.

Yep. Forgot about that one. That is quite useful for “external”

For random access you can use
an Array with index. And for Arrays it would be fairly easy to write
a thin wrapper around such an index which will allow all the movements
and operations you are wanting.

For deletions there are also methods that will do the job with O(n).

Alternatively, when using Arrays, you can use #splice! and []=.

For arrays, there is little need for external iterators, since random
access is O(1). The array index itself can act as an external iterator
be no less efficient than a full external iterator (which could access
array element without needing the array).

Can you leak a bit more information about the scenarios where you need

more / different behavior?

Here are a few applications I can recall:

  • sweep-line algorithms. I’ve done several implementations and used
    others. To have an efficient O(n*log(n)) one, these are some of the
    I use from sorted-tree structures and their iterator:

    • multi set/map: allows for duplicate entries (to deal with multiple
      coincident edges)
    • find: gives an iterator to an item
    • lower/upper bound: more specific find when dealing with duplicates
      or if
      the item doesn’t exist yet
    • ++/-- on an iterator: go to neighbor above/below
    • erase using iterator: O(1) erase an item you’ve already found
    • insert (w/ and w/o iterator hint): with an iterator hint, the insert
      O(1), w/o it is O(log(n))
  • range/region query. Iterators can be useful for looking to neighbors
    inserting/deleting in O(1) time. Unfortunately, the STL (multi) set/map
    typically isn’t sufficient to to implement some of these structures.
    an API similar to what’s in STL (including external iterators) is quite
    useful. Google libkdtree++ to see one implementation.

  • MST (minimum spanning tree). Kruskal’s can get away with just a heap,
    Prim’s algorithm needs a deletions. Iterators may not be needed. This
    also similar to Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. Also, building
    trees can use various sorted tree structures (don’t remember if external
    iterators are needed). Geometric MST’s or steiner trees also take
    of additional structures like sweep-lines or region query structures.

From my experience, many/most algorithms you implement on large
geometric or
graph (as in graph theory) data sets can take advantage of sorted
and associated (external) iterators. I’m sure there are many other
applications when you are dealing with large data sets (where simple
or slower algorithms aren’t good enough).

At one time Gonzalo Garramuño made an C++ STL to ruby i/f using swig. I
also did something similar for python using swig and used it for some
sweep-line/MST/steiner. I only learned/used python because there was an
into the db I was using (in addition to C++).

Note that I still would prefer using ruby compared to C++, but the
in C++ are more in line with what I do unfortunately (and I need C++ for
performance). But, ruby has clearly improved my C++. I use templates
regularly to get my duck-typing (arbitrary typing). I use both external
iterators and internal iterators (visitors) where appropriate in C++.
I think my general OO skills in C++ have improved because of ruby. The
syntax is very ugly and I have to deal with too many details, but the
majority of the concepts in C++ are there in some form.

On 3/11/08, Harm Aa [email protected] wrote:


One option is to subclass Array and override the methods you use to
insert the elements. For example, consider the following:

class OrderedArray < Array

May I humbly suggest that SortedArray might be a more accurate choice of

Arrays are by nature ordered, it’s just that the order doesn’t happen
to be determined by the sort order of the elements.

Another option is to use delegation to wrap the Array, and just
implement the methods you desire:

A much better choice, but.

class OrderedArray < Array

Should be just
class OrderedArray

No need to subclass Array.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby