
I have a list of user’s email addresses that I am alphabetically
ordering. The issue is that the first 75 or so email addresses are in
order and then the order starts over again. Is that normal and is there
a way not to get my find to do that, to get it to order all the
addresses? Thanks,


On Aug 19, 3:33 pm, Shandy N. [email protected]

I have a list of user’s email addresses that I am alphabetically
ordering. The issue is that the first 75 or so email addresses are in
order and then the order starts over again. Is that normal and is there
a way not to get my find to do that, to get it to order all the
addresses? Thanks,


Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Wild guess, but perhaps you’re not doing a case-insensitive sort? In
which case you’ll get A through Z, then a through z again.


REST with Rails
Oct 4, 2008, Austin Tx

Wild guess, but perhaps you’re not doing a case-insensitive sort? In
which case you’ll get A through Z, then a through z again.


REST with Rails
Oct 4, 2008, Austin Tx

No, everything is saved in all uppercase. Here is how I get my list:

@users = User.find( :all, :conditions => [‘approved = ?’, true],
:order => ‘company ASC, username ASC’)

All users are save with a comapnt field specifying who they work for and
this field is also saved in all uppercase. In my view I loop through and
pull out all the users working for a particular company. Everything
thing get printed correctly - companies are found and all their users
are displayed underneath their heading. However, I one company in
particular, there are a lot of profiles and for this company is where I
find this phenomenon. Here is how I loop through the profiles:

  <% company_name = "" %>
<% @users.each do |x|
  if x.primary_account_id != company_name
  company_name = x.primary_account_id %>
  <th><%= x.company %></th>
      <%=link_to x.username, {:action =>
                    'update_form', :controller => 'enroll', :id => 

:manager => x.role == “Travel Manager” ? x.id :
:admin => @user.id}, :target => “_blank” %>
