To make a new istance of an Oracle table with Rails, i need that this
table had a column named ‘id’. This ‘id’ must be Primary Key &
How Can I modify the ‘id’ properties to do it Auto_increment in Oracle?
Hi Ivan,
In Oracle you need to tie a trigger to a sequence, which in turn is
tied to an id field in a table… I use 8i, there may be a better way
in later versions.
I hope this helps (a little)
On 01/03/06, Ivan M. [email protected] wrote:
Mark P.
Jargon Free Web D.
Ivan M. wrote:
To make a new istance of an Oracle table with Rails, i need that this
table had a column named ‘id’. This ‘id’ must be Primary Key &
How Can I modify the ‘id’ properties to do it Auto_increment in Oracle?
You could try:
create table foo (id integer not null, acolumn varchar(10));
create sequence foo_seq;
Rails will automatically use foo_seq.nextval as the id when inserting
new rows into the foo table.