OptParse bug?

With this file:

C:\dev\thesis_p2pwebcode\src>cat example.rb
require ‘optparse’

OptionParser.new do |opts|

opts.on('-p', '--do_multiples_with_variant=NAME', 'multiples variant

ex: ') do |name|

I get the following output:
Usage: example [options]
-p=NAME multiples variant ex:

however it doesn’t actually accept -p=NAME
it accepts -pNAME

Anybody know if this is expected?

Roger P. wrote:


Anybody know if this is expected?

Seems to be a unix standard:


Seems to be a unix standard:


So were you saying that having help output like
“-p=NAME” is standard when the input is actually “-pNAME” in use?

OptParse typically outputs
“-p --long=NAME”

but in this case it seems to output
“-p=NAME --long”

for some reason.


Roger P. wrote:

but in this case it seems to output
“-p=NAME --long”

for some reason.


So, both of the following are issues, right?

  1. parser doesn’t accept syntax “-p=NAME”, but only “-pNAME”

  2. generated help text suggests otherwise, that the former is accepted

IMO, #1 is standard, but #2 is possibly the wrong behavior.

What is causing the difference between typical output and this case? Do
you see the “-p --long=NAME” variant for other options in the same
program? Looking at comparable output in my own use of optparse, the
format tends to look like this:

 -r, --read-options [FILE]        Read options from file [stdin]

Le 31 janvier 2009 à 23:55, Joel VanderWerf a écrit :

What is causing the difference between typical output and this case? Do
you see the “-p --long=NAME” variant for other options in the same
program? Looking at comparable output in my own use of optparse, the
format tends to look like this:

 -r, --read-options [FILE]        Read options from file [stdin]

It seems to be the length of the option name :

0:33 fred@ardberg:/data/ruby/blackops% irb

require ‘optparse’ ; OptionParser.new do |o|
?> o.on(’-p’, ‘–12345678901234567890=NAME’,
?> 'multiples variant ex: ') {}

Usage: irb [options]
-p, --12345678901234567890=NAME multiples variant ex:

require ‘optparse’ ; OptionParser.new do |o|
?> o.on(’-p’, ‘–123456789012345678901234567890=NAME’,
?> 'multiples variant ex: ') {}

Usage: irb [options]
multiples variant ex:

When short + long + value + description are too long to hold on a single
line, optionparser tries to present it better, and it shows the bug.
