
Even reading the documentation I can not figure out what is the
select_tag difference between this:

<% = select_tag (bags [], "options_for_select (bags.collect @ {| bb |
[bb.bag_type, bb.id]},
ruser.bags.collect @ {| ub | ub.id}), {: multiple => true,: id

and this:

<% = select_tag "bags [], " options_for_select (bags.collect @ {| bb |
[bb.bag_type, bb.id]},
: multiple => true,: id => “bags”)%>

The html code is the same.

On Jan 8, 8:37pm, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

Even reading the documentation I can not figure out what is the
select_tag difference between this:

Neither of those are valid ruby. Have you made a typo somwhere?


On 8 January 2011 21:42, Frederick C. [email protected]

On Jan 8, 8:37pm, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

Even reading the documentation I can not figure out what is the
select_tag difference between this:

Neither of those are valid ruby. Have you made a typo somwhere?

No no they are right, perhaps in the second example there is no need
of :multiple => true.
If you try they work.
I take the code from

On 8 January 2011 20:48, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

of :multiple => true.
If you try they work.

I have and they don’t. Can you guarantee that you have copied and
pasted out of working code? The first one has a missing " and they
both have space after <% before = which is not allowed.


On 8 Jan 2011, at 20:48, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

of :multiple => true.
ruby -c begs to differ. The blog post that you links to has
substantially different code (eg no misplaced quote marks). Did you
actually copy & paste what is in your app ?


On 8 January 2011 22:06, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

<%= select_tag(“bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|

Sorry the second is:
<%= select_tag “bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] }, :multiple => true, :id => “bags”) %>

On 8 January 2011 21:58, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

No no they are right, perhaps in the second example there is no need
of :multiple => true.
If you try they work.

I have and they don’t. Can you guarantee that you have copied and
pasted out of working code? The first one has a missing " and they
both have space after <% before = which is not allowed.

They work.
The first:
<%= select_tag(“bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] },
@ruser.bags.collect { |ub| ub.id }), {:multiple => true, :id
=> “bags”}) %>

the second:
<%= select_tag “bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] }, :multiple => true, :id => “bags”) %>

Obviously you must have a ruser and bag model, that code is in the
form used to create a new ruser.

On 8 January 2011 22:11, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

I see now that you have just posted a further correction. Can I
suggest that you post them both again, double checking that you have
exactly the right code for both of them, by running it and then
copy/paste the code into the post.

Sorry for my mistakes.
The exact code is:

the first:
<%= select_tag(“bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] },
@ruser.bags.collect { |ub| ub.id }), {:multiple => true, :id
=> “bags”}) %>

the second:
<%= select_tag “bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] }, :multiple => true, :id => “bags”) %>

It seems that the html code is the same.

On 8 January 2011 21:06, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

<%= select_tag(“bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] },
@ruser.bags.collect { |ub| ub.id }), {:multiple => true, :id
=> “bags”}) %>

the second:
<%= select_tag “bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] }, :multiple => true, :id => “bags”) %>

Obviously you must have a ruser and bag model, that code is in the
form used to create a new ruser.

Look at your original post, those are not the same, you have taken the
spaces out after <% and added an extra " in the first after
select_tag(. Plus other changes.

I see now that you have just posted a further correction. Can I
suggest that you post them both again, double checking that you have
exactly the right code for both of them, by running it and then
copy/paste the code into the post.


On Jan 8, 9:17pm, Mauro [email protected] wrote:

The exact code is:

the first:
<%= select_tag(“bags[]”, options_for_select(@bags.collect { |bb|
[bb.bag_type, bb.id] },
@ruser.bags.collect { |ub| ub.id }), {:multiple => true, :id
=> “bags”}) %>

Well the first one is attempting to set which options should be
selected by default
