Optional routing URL component?

For legacy reasons, I’d like to be able to have part of a url as
optional, the problem is that it’s at the start of the URL, rather
than the end.


with ‘/laddr’ being optional, depending on which URL the user uses to
access the site.

Is it possible to do this with routes?

Stuart G. wrote:

For legacy reasons, I’d like to be able to have part of a url as
optional, the problem is that it’s at the start of the URL, rather
than the end.


with ‘/laddr’ being optional, depending on which URL the user uses to
access the site.

Is it possible to do this with routes?

of course, everything is possible with RubyonRails, don’t make this
mistake and ask such a question again :stuck_out_tongue: just kidding

map.connect /:option/match/result, :controller => “something”, :action
=> “methodname”, :option => /.*/

Try that :smiley:

On Sep 9, 1:31 pm, Jamal S. [email protected]

Is it possible to do this with routes?

of course, everything is possible with RubyonRails, don’t make this
mistake and ask such a question again :stuck_out_tongue: just kidding

heh :slight_smile:

map.connect /:option/match/result, :controller => “something”, :action
=> “methodname”, :option => /.*/

Try that :smiley:

Cool, that works, in most cases. Just need to figure out the
accompanying apache rewrite rules to serve any actual files from te
directory, instead of pointing them at mongerl.

Cheers Jamal …

Stuart G. wrote:

On Sep 9, 1:31 pm, Jamal S. [email protected]

Is it possible to do this with routes?

of course, everything is possible with RubyonRails, don’t make this
mistake and ask such a question again :stuck_out_tongue: just kidding

heh :slight_smile:

You are welcome Stuart :smiley:

So, while this works great on the productions server (Apache2 +
mongrel_cluster) it causes a few problems when running on the dev

Can I have a seperate set of routes for the dev box? or am I missing

This is what is surrently in my routes.rb :

map.connect ‘/:option’, :controller => “welcome”, :option => /laddr/

map.connect ‘/:option/:action/:defender_id/
ladder/:ladder_id’, :controller => ‘ladder’, :option => /laddr/
map.connect ‘/:option/match/refuse/:id’, :controller =>
‘match’, :action => ‘refuse’, :option => /laddr/
map.connect ‘/:option/match/result/:id’, :controller =>
‘match’, :action => ‘result’, :option => /laddr/
map.connect ‘/:option/match/:match_id/:action/:id’, :controller =>
‘match’, :option => /laddr/

Install the default route as the lowest priority.

map.connect ‘/:option/:controller/:action/:id.:format’, :option => /
map.connect ‘/:option/:controller/:action/:id’, :option => ‘/laddr/’

The optional bit, doesn’t seem to be optional, so if I do
I get an error :

“no route found to match “/” with {:method=>:get}”

but when I add the /laddr it works fine. I can live with that, but it
also breaks static files, stylesheets and images for example, as it’s
now looking for those in /laddr/stylesheets

I don’t really like the idea of having 2 sets of routes, because,
well, I only want to maintain 1 and not forget about the production
ones all the time (because you know that’s what will happen).


On Sep 17, 8:16 pm, Stuart Grimshaw [email protected]

map.connect ‘/:option/:controller/:action/:id.:format’, :option => /
now looking for those in /laddr/stylesheets

I don’t really like the idea of having 2 sets of routes, because,
well, I only want to maintain 1 and not forget about the production
ones all the time (because you know that’s what will happen).

I’m still stuck with this if anyone has any ideas?