hi all -
I’m not sure if this is the correct forum but i was wondering if
anyone has successfully done RSA-SHA1 signing with Ruby OpenSSL and
interoperated with Java Servers.
I’m using the following code but i’m not sure if the “sign” method on
works properly -
@key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048)
@key.send(“sign”, OpenSSL::Digest.::SHA1.new, “text to sign”)
The expected signature from above “sign” is not what i know the Java
crytpo api likes.
Thanks in advance.
On Apr 16, 2008, at 6:16 PM, vaibhavb wrote:
@key.send(“sign”, OpenSSL::Digest.::SHA1.new, “text to sign”)
The expected signature from above “sign” is not what i know the Java
crytpo api likes.
Thanks in advance.
after digging forums and searching through the source, this is what
i’m doing to sign:
digest = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new(text_to_sign)
sign = key.private_encrypt(digest)
sign is what you want, if you need it in Base64:
enc_sign = Base64.encode64(sign)
I tried the above but it still is not same as Java output - I want to
be able to sign and update each byte of the text instead of string
(thats what Java does) … any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
enc_sign = Base64.encode64(sign)
Bawse64.encode64 is deprecated. Check out String#pack instead
(specifically the “m*” option).
Hi Vaibhav,
Any chance you’re dealing with a character encoding issue? By default
Java uses UTF-16. And you may be using UTF-8 with Ruby. Just a
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