Issue #4418 has been updated by Martin Bosslet.
Hiroshi NAKAMURA wrote:
I agree with DH interface is confusing.
Adding to the confusion is that DH implements the PKey interface in
OpenSSL (OpenSSL itself, not Ruby’s ext/openssl), but it conceptually is
not really like the other PKey implementations.
- PKey offers PKey#sign and PKey#verify as a common characteristic. DH
responds to both in OpenSSL, but they ultimately lead to an error saying
that signature/verification is not supported. - PKeys offer a public and a private “key”, which at first glance is
conceptually fine for DH, as there is also a public and a private part.
But the analogy ends when it comes to en-/decoding their PEM/DER
representation. The rest allows a “private” encoding as well as a X.509
“PUB_KEY” encoding, both of which DH does not support. As a consequence
it also does not work with the new functionality.
This and the matters already discussed lead me to the conclusion that it
might be a good idea to separate DH from the PKey implementations in
ext/openssl and set up a separate KeyExchange module featuring two
implementations, DH and ECDH (and possibly more in the future). By this
separation, we could also clean up the confusion with PKey::EC, as in
its current form it’s some sort of hybrid, featuring both PKey and DH
The separation could also concentrate on Key Exchange/Agreement features
better: We could add support for Key Derivation algorithms to simplify
arbitrary-length symmetric key generation for Ciphers (a non-trivial
task that needs to be taken care of manually right now), and it would be
easier to design a nice API for supporting key agreement using static
and ephemeral keys as outlined in NIST SP 800-56A.
What do you think about this (post 1.9.3, of course :)?
We should have PKey::DH::Params class as same as PKey::EC::Point in the future
though I don’t know it’s good to define it as a subclass of DH.
Great idea, and we could even call it params instead of public_key if we
went the “separate module approach”, making it possible to rename
priv_key and pub_key to private_key and public_key!
Bug #4418: OpenSSL::PKey::DH#public_key
Author: Ippei Obayashi
Status: Assigned
Priority: Low
Assignee: Hiroshi NAKAMURA
Category: ext
Target version:
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-linux]
OpenSSL::PKey::DH#public_key がその名前に反して DH パラメータのみを複製して返しています。
require ‘openssl’
dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.generate(1024) # => パラメータと鍵の生成、時間がかかる
p dh.pub_key # => 公開鍵の整数を表示
p dh.public_key.pub_key # => nil
DH の場合、RSAなどのように「公開鍵とパラメータ」を取り出す需要はあまりない