Hi, there:
I wanna use plug-in “file_column” to upload image to the server. In
my test app, the view is as follow & it works well:
New entry
<%= error_messages_for 'entry' %>
<% form_tag 'create', :multipart => true do -%>
<%= file_column_field 'entry', 'image' %>
<%= submit_tag 'create' %>
<% end -%>
<%= link_to 'Back', entries_path %>
However, in my real app, I scaffold and nest the resource to
RESTful, the view is as follow & it errors: “Do not know how to handle
a string with value ‘readme.jpg’ that was passed to a file_column.
Check if the form’s encoding has been set to ‘multipart/form-data’”
<% form_for([@task, @comment]) do |f| %>
Comment body
<%= f.text_area :desc %>
<%= file_column_field 'comment', 'image' %>
<%= f.submit button_name %>
<% end %>
I checked the API doc, but seems like "form_for" does not support
option “:multipart => true”, what should I do here? Anyone could
explain me what’s differ between “form_for” & “form_tag” ??
On 14 Jan 2008, at 15:32, myst_tt wrote:
I checked the API doc, but seems like “form_for” does not support
option “:multipart => true”, what should I do here? Anyone could
explain me what’s differ between “form_for” & “form_tag” ??
It does, just pass it as the html options, ie
form_for :person, @person, :html => {:multipart => true}
The api docs on form_for are a good starting point from the difference
with form_tag.
Thanks, Frederick!
On Jan 14, 5:36 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]
I don’t mean to be a ‘turd’ here, but that won’t work. Here is what it
should look like:
<%= form_tag(:url => {:action=> “create” }, :html => { :multipart =>
true }) -%>
myst_tt wrote:
New entry
<%= error_messages_for 'entry' %>
<% form_tag 'create', :multipart => true do -%>
<%= file_column_field 'entry', 'image' %>
<%= submit_tag 'create' %>
<% end -%>
<%= link_to 'Back', entries_path %>
Ran into this issue just now when moving from old rails version to
If you want to use form_tag instead of form_for, you must group your
action and controller hash with brackets like this:
form_tag( {:action => ‘create’}, :multipart => true ) do
Otherwise if you indicate :action with no brackets, it then thinks that
all of your parameters belong in the same hash with :action,
:controller, :params, etc. and puts everything you specify right into
the querystring. I think the above would also work without parentheses.
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 7:41 PM, [email protected]
[email protected] wrote:
I don’t mean to be a ‘turd’ here, but that won’t work. Here is what it
should look like:
<%= form_tag(:url => {:action=> “create” }, :html => { :multipart =>
true }) -%>
Rails already knows/expects the first hash will be the :url hash and
the second hash the :html.
form_tag( {:action => ‘create’}, :multipart => true ) do
I, like Ben, have long prefered the perfectly acceptable (shorter)
version you choose to criticize:
-1 for failing to be a proper turd.
Greg D.