Online console for IronRuby... Any Plans...?


Its nice to know few new things today.

As per this blog…

(1) Iron python has reached 2.0 beta 1 version
(2) Djano is running on IronPython with SqlServer
(3) Very soon IronRuby.sln will move to VS2008.

Here’s an link for Online Console running Ruby in brower

I am keen to know, will there be any online console for IronRuby
to try it in browser. I don’t think every one can afford VS2008.

I am not aware of any such plans. However, as for the cost of VS the
versions are able to run the IronRuby code, and you can build IronRuby
without VS.
However, like most, I can always use a little more Why The Lucky Stiff,
maybe someone should contact him and port his tryruby site to use
just for fun.


On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Rahil K. [email protected]

Michael F. demonstrated an interactive console in the browser running
IronPython @ PyCon last week. He blogged about it here:

I imagine it wouldn’t be too tough to create a Ruby version of it.

There’s also the DLR Console demo on,
which also provides an interactive console. (though I’m having issues
reaching that site at the moment)

Harry Pierson
Program Manager, IronPython

email : [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
office : 425/705-6045
mobile : 425/761-0293
weblog : http://devhawk.net

“Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas.
If your ideas are any good,
you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.”
- Howard Aiken

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Chris Chandler
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 5:44 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] online console for IronRuby… Any

I am not aware of any such plans. However, as for the cost of VS the
free versions are able to run the IronRuby code, and you can build
IronRuby without VS.
However, like most, I can always use a little more Why The Lucky Stiff,
so maybe someone should contact him and port his tryruby site to use
IronRuby just for fun.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Rahil K.
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:

Its nice to know few new things today.

As per this blog…

(1) Iron python has reached 2.0 beta 1 version
(2) Djano is running on IronPython with SqlServer
(3) Very soon IronRuby.sln will move to VS2008.

Here’s an link for Online Console running Ruby in brower

I am keen to know, will there be any online console for IronRuby
to try it in browser. I don’t think every one can afford VS2008.

Posted via

The console in the win32 environment is VERY sticky.

I’m willing to share the class I made for it.

The class makes sense of the madness :wink:

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Harry Pierson
[email protected]

_why’s Try Ruby project is remarkable not just for the technical
aspects, but for the pedagogical aspects of it.

It should be straightforward to build a Silverlight implementation of
Try Ruby that runs in the browser. In some ways, _why’s latest project-
Shoes is all about enabling this in a cross platform native app.
However, it still requires installing native code on your machine, and
requires more friction than Try Ruby today or a Silverlight version.

Anyone interested in trying to port _why’s tutorials (I suspect the app
would need to be written from scratch since Try Ruby executes Ruby code
on the server).

BTW, this won’t be possible until we have string-based eval working (ETA
should be a couple of weeks if I believe Tomas’ estimates :slight_smile:


Matthew M. wrote:

The console in the win32 environment is VERY sticky.

I’m willing to share the class I made for it.

The class makes sense of the madness :wink:

Are you talking about ‘in the browser’? It would appear that you
