I announced a while ago that I’ll be running a series on the O’Reilly
blog called “Ruby Project Spotlight” which will feature one cool
up-and-coming or fast moving Ruby project a month. The details are in
the original blog post[0], but the general rules are as follows:
* Project must be fresh / actively developed
* Project must be released before the time I post
* Proposal should consist of nothing more than a code example and
a link to your project page, no additional commentary needed
* Project can’t be Rails-centric
* You must be a developer on the project
* My project choices will be entirely subjective and unjustified.
This is just a reminder that if you’d like to be considered for June,
to send me a proposal by the end of the month. We’ve already got a
few good ones, but I’d be happy to see a few more.
As a side note, Jeremy McAnally is running a similar series[1] for
Rails, with more-or-less the same rules.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing some submissions. If in doubt as to
whether your project qualifies or is interesting enough, just submit!