One strange question

Hi all, I’m 17 years old, I know XHTML,CSS,PHP+MySQL, few JavaScript and
I want to know, enough to be programmer?


You are great.

It all depends on how you use them.

luka luka [email protected] writes:

Hi all, I’m 17 years old, I know XHTML,CSS,PHP+MySQL, few JavaScript and
I want to know, enough to be programmer?

Far from it. Read these books:

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

    How to Design Programs -- An Introduction to Computing and 

How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming

    Concrete Abstractions -- An Introduction to Computer Science 

Using Scheme
Concrete Abstractions

(Don’t worry about scheme, it’s just some pseudo-code. You can still
do the exercises in Ruby; have a look at:
(of course, I would advise you to learn scheme and/or Common Lisp and do
exercises in these languages, but Ruby is OK)).

Once you’ve learned SICP, and a few other programming languages, it’ll
start to look more like it.

L. G. wrote:

Hi all, I’m 17 years old, I know XHTML,CSS,PHP+MySQL, few JavaScript and
I want to know, enough to be programmer?

While it is not clear what level of expertise you indicate when you say
that you “know” those languages, being able to write programs in those
are indeed enough to be a programmer, but that is not the end of the
story. What kind of programmer? e.g. It is plenty to make you a
website programmer but large system architect would take more.

In short, knowing how to write programs makes you a programmer. After
that, it is a question of how high you want to fly, but you are moving
at least. Now, to get it off the ground…

GL with your programming future! :slight_smile:

Thanks Manish.

It all depends on how you use them.
Of course.

And Thanks you Pascal, I will read this articles.
You really helped me.

Have you same links? example:

P.S. sorry for my english, I’m from Georgia.