One Mailer for all

Can I have one mailer for all? Would that be called

On Mar 7, 11:53am, Paul B. [email protected] wrote:

Can I have one mailer for all? Would that be called

Mailer names are pretty much arbitrary - even the _mailer extension is
just a convention. The biggest downside to “put everything in one
mailer” is the same one any “kitchen sink” file develops, namely a
lack of structure. But there’s no technical impediment to doing

–Matt J.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Matt J. [email protected] wrote:

lack of structure. But there’s no technical impediment to doing

Yeah, I even went further and just parameteized one mailer method so
that I
could just pass in whatever text I wanted it to send to who I wanted to
it so… not pretty but for internal stuff does the job.