i wonder in Ruby, is there a line method to do something like in C
print_val(“Array[3] + 1”)
and get the printout of
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
i wonder in Ruby, is there a line method to do something like in C
print_val(“Array[3] + 1”)
and get the printout of
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
On Sep 15, 2007, at 1:51 AM, kendear wrote:
i wonder in Ruby, is there a line method to do something like in C
print_val(“Array[3] + 1”)
and get the printout of
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
All you need is something like:
puts "myArray[3] + 1 is #{myArray[3] + 1} "
String interpolation. Great stuff.
Of course you have to create that array first to have something in it.
You could also do:
puts "myArray[3] + 1 is " + (myArray[3] + 1).to_s
Lots of ways, but the first one is most succinct.
Ruby is very flexible!
You can even go from this into a DSL with words that evaluate to
kendear wrote:
i wonder in Ruby, is there a line method to do something like in C
print_val(“Array[3] + 1”)
and get the printout of
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
def dbg(&bl)
s = yield
puts “#{s} = #{eval(s, bl).inspect}”
dbg{“array[3]+1”} # ==> array[3]+1 = 4
It seems a little awkward to use both {…} and “…” around the
expression, but the {} allows the #dbg method to capture the binding of
the caller.
On Sep 15, 2007, at 7:11 AM, Dan Z. wrote:
Here you go:
def print_val(str)
puts “#{str} is #{eval(str)}”
That didn’t work for me. I had modify it like so:
foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def print_val(str)
puts “#{str} is #{eval(str, TOPLEVEL_BINDING)}”
print_val(“foo[3] + 1”)
Regards, Morton
kendear wrote:
i wonder in Ruby, is there a line method to do something like in C
print_val(“Array[3] + 1”)
and get the printout of
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
Here you go:
def print_val(str)
puts “#{str} is #{eval(str)}”
This should do what you want. Be wary of side effects, though. For
example, to display the value of “a += 3” requires evaluation, and that
changes the value of “a” (and when you remove this debugging line, your
program no longer works the way you expect).
Have fun,
On Sep 15, 10:49 am, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
It seems a little awkward to use both {…} and “…” around the
expression, but the {} allows the #dbg method to capture the binding of
the caller.
It works! both for globals and for instance variables…
but what is this call dbg{“n”} using { } instead of ( )
does it have a name? and does any book talk about it?
i guess there is no way to do
dbg(array[3] + 1) or dbg{array[3] + 1} without quoting it as
string huh? C was able to do it due to the preprocessor.
On 15.09.2007 19:13, John J. wrote:
Array[3] + 1 is 3.345
def print_val(expr,b=binding)
print( expr, " is ", eval(expr,b).inspect, “\n”)
irb(main):026:0> a=%{foo bar baz}
=> “foo bar baz”
irb(main):027:0> print_val “a[1]”, binding
a[1] is 111
=> nil
irb(main):028:0> print_val “a[1]”
NameError: undefined local variable or method a' for main:Object from (irb):21:in
from (irb):21:in `print_val’
from (irb):28
from :0
You can even omit the “b” argument if you use something like
Kind regards
Summercool wrote:
dbg{“array[3]+1”} # ==> array[3]+1 = 4
It seems a little awkward to use both {…} and “…” around the
expression, but the {} allows the #dbg method to capture the binding of
the caller.It works! both for globals and for instance variables…
but what is this call dbg{“n”} using { } instead of ( )
does it have a name? and does any book talk about it?
The {…} is just ruby’s block notation, just as in “each {…}”
i guess there is no way to do
dbg(array[3] + 1) or dbg{array[3] + 1} without quoting it as
string huh? C was able to do it due to the preprocessor.
Not easy.
Another advantage of using the block notation is that you can disable
evaluation with a global flag:
def dbg
if $debug
s = yield
puts “#{s} = #{eval(s, Proc.new).inspect}”
If the flag is set, the dbg call is just a method call and a variable
test. It doesn’t even instantiate a Proc (note that I removed the &bl
and added Proc.new).
Morton G. wrote:
def print_val(str)
puts “#{str} is #{eval(str, TOPLEVEL_BINDING)}”
print_val(“foo[3] + 1”)Regards, Morton
You’re right, thanks. When I tested this, I used the first poster’s
variable name, “Array”. So it worked for me, but only because I happened
to use a name with global slope.
On Sep 15, 5:22 am, Morton G. [email protected] wrote:
That didn’t work for me. I had modify it like so:
foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def print_val(str)
puts “#{str} is #{eval(str, TOPLEVEL_BINDING)}”
print_val(“foo[3] + 1”)
it works but then if print_val is called inside an instance method,
then it won’t work.
On 9/15/07, Summercool [email protected] wrote:
It works! both for globals and for instance variables…
but what is this call dbg{“n”} using { } instead of ( )
does it have a name? and does any book talk about it?i guess there is no way to do
Using other people’s magic try this:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘ruby2ruby’
def annotated(&blk)
lines = blk.to_ruby
lines = lines.split(/\n/)
lines = lines[1…-2]
max_width = lines.map { |l| l.size }.max
result = nil
lines.each do |line|
# get the result, be sure to keep the correct binding
result = eval(line, blk.binding)
# format and display the output line
puts "#{line} #{" " * (max_width - line.size)}=> #{result.inspect}"
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
annotated do
array.map { |v| v * 2 }
array[3] + 1
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