Onclick in submit_tag?


I have a submit_tag in test.rhtml

<% submit_tag ("Save") %>

I want to add the following popup box onclick:

             "Are you sure?"

              Yes     No

where "Yes" & "No" are buttons. If "Yes" is pressed, I
go to another controller with parameters else I stay
with test.rhtml.

How do I do it?


the easy way is probably to have something like
<%= submit_tag “Save”, :onclick => “return confirm(‘Are you sure?’)”

assuming your form action already points to the place you want to go to
on “OK”, else you’ll have to use more javascript to change the form’s

Ram wrote:

I have a submit_tag in test.rhtml
I want to add the following popup box onclick:

             "Are you sure?"

you can just use the :confirm param at the form_tag. You only have to
provide the string for the confirm box and that’s it (i.e.
:confirm=>‘Are you sure?’)

That will display the standard javascript confirm. In case you want a
nicer popup then you should implement yours by using a javscript
function returning true/false and to call it you can just pass the
:onsubmit param to the form.

