-i want to add to an excel worksheet a meniu accessing from a combo box
but i have problems insering data in the combo box
-in the vba i have combo.additem “opt1”
-in ruby i cant use additem item (unknown property or method `additem’);
what can i use instead?, i dont want to use fillinrange; and how can i
go to another worksheet after i selected a option in the combo box
i have : $combo_box=$worksheet_menu.OLEObjects.Add “Forms.ComboBox.1”
$combo_box[‘additem’]=“opt1” doesnt work
tnx a lot, now additem its working, but for the combo box menu make it
work (options to be links to another worksheet) i dont want tu use ruby,
i want that with ruby script to record a macro and that macro is called
when i select a option from the combo box because my ruby script is
closed when i’m reading the excel file; is that possible?
tnx a lot, now additem its working, but for the combo box menu make it
work (options to be links to another worksheet) i dont want tu use ruby,
i want that with ruby script to record a macro and that macro is called
when i select a option from the combo box because my ruby script is
closed when i’m reading the excel file; is that possible?
I’m not sure that I understand what you want to do,
But does the following script help you?
require ‘win32ole’
ex = WIN32OLE.new(‘Excel.Application’)
ex.visible = true
book = ex.workbooks.add
sheet = book.worksheets(1)
combo = sheet.OLEObjects.Add(“Forms.Combobox.1”).object
oles = sheet.OLEObjects
book.worksheets.each do |sh|
modu = book.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(sheet.name)
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(1, "Private Sub " + combo.name + “_Change”)
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(2, " MsgBox " + combo.name + “.Text” )
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(3, “End Sub”)
excel2.rb:207:in method_missing': Item (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:800A000D in VBAProject Type mismatch HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from excel2.rb:207:inexcel_asitt_menu’
excel2.rb:207:in method_missing': Item (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:800A000D in VBAProject Type mismatch HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from excel2.rb:207:inexcel_asitt_menu’
207 line is :
excel2.rb:207:in method_missing': Item (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:800A000D in VBAProject Type mismatch HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from excel2.rb:207:inexcel_asitt_menu’
modu =
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(1, “Private Sub ComboBox1_Change”)
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(2, " MsgBox “asdasd”" )
modu.CodeModule.InsertLines(3, “End Sub”)
-combobox1 is the name for combo box
with this code i still have that error:
excel2.rb:208:in method_missing': Item (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:800A0009 in VBAProject Subscript out of range HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from excel2.rb:208:inexcel_asitt_menu’
from excel2.rb:352
#line 208:
modu =
excel2.rb:208:in method_missing': Item (WIN32OLERuntimeError) OLE error code:800A0009 in VBAProject Subscript out of range HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred. from excel2.rb:208:inexcel_asitt_menu’
from excel2.rb:352
That’s because you have changed $worksheet_asitt_menu.name to
and you don’t specify correct VBComponent name as Item argument.
(The error message is ‘Subscript out of range’.)
At first, check available name by using following code
before line 208.
$asitt_workbook.VBProject.VBComponents.each do |comp|
puts comp.name
Or try to invoke VBE of Excel and check available names.
If you could see ‘Sheet1(ASITT_MENU)’ in VBAProject, then
specify ‘Sheet1’ instead of $worksheet_asitt_menu.name
modu =
Masaki S.
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