Ogre.rb 0.2 is now available!

Ogre.rb 0.2 is now available! It is available in gem and tar format on
rubyforge page:


Documentation is available in rdoc form at the website:


– New in 0.2 –

  • Built against Ogre 1.4.4
  • Almost all of Ogre’s API is now wrapped, albeit in many places very
  • Unit testing framework!

– What is Ogre.rb? –

Ogre.rb is a SWIG wrapper around the very popular Ogre 3D rendering
Ogre.rb will eventually be not only a full wrapper around Ogre, but will
also transform Ogre’s API to follow the Ruby Way.

Ogre.rb is currently built for Ogre 1.4 Eihort (http://www.ogre3d.org)
Ogre.rb also requires OIS 1.0 (Object Oriented Input System download | SourceForge.net)

– Installation –

Installation is as simple as can be expected:

gem install ogrerb

Win32 and source builds are up, Mac and Linux (32- and 64-bit) will be
coming shortly. As these are pre-built binary libraries, the install may
take 10 minutes or more depending on connection speed.

Samples are available in the Source tar, a separate Samples download,
and in
the SVN repository:

svn co svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/ogrerb/trunk

– Running the samples –

Running the sample applications is as simple as making sure your system
knows where the Ogre libraries and plugins are installed. On Windows
requires setting of the PATH environment variable, and on *nix setting
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable if Ogre is installed in a custom location.

Ogre.rb also assumes prior knowledge of the Ogre rendering engine and
running Ogre applications. For those that are unfamiliar with Ogre, all
need to do to run the samples is to edit plugins.cfg and set the correct

– Ogre.rb development –

Build instructions are located in the README. For feature requests,
submissions, bug reports, or general questions please use the Rubyforge
project tracker.



Cool. Bad thing is Ogre is an ogre to get installed with all the

Very nice! Any issues with the rendering speed of complex graphs or
scene/object movements?

Thiago J.

Gah, mistype, the install is:

gem install ogre.rb

Ogre really isn’t that hard to get together, near everything you need is
there at the site.

As for rendering speed, most of the execution time sits in Ogre’s C++
you don’t lose much. There is a slight almost unnoticable jerk when GC
not sure what can be done with that. That said, I haven’t built anything
large with the wrapper yet, so I can’t comment on how much you lose.
Hopefully Ruby 2.0 will be out soon(ish) so we can stop worring about
execution speeds.


On 9/21/07, John J. [email protected] wrote:

there at the site.

I was talking more about people using Python, Lua, or Perl in the same
as Ruby is here. “Scripting” languages will always be slower than native
code, that’s expected, but once the speed gap between Python, Ruby, and
is closed, then it’s all about symantics, libraries, and just what you
to use.

Also, as a plug, also check out Shattered Ruby, the game development
framework: http://trac.shatteredruby.com/ which uses Ogre through
Ogre.rbfor the rendering engine.


On Sep 21, 2007, at 6:31 PM, Jason R. wrote:

Gah, mistype, the install is:

gem install ogre.rb

Ogre really isn’t that hard to get together, near everything you
need is
there at the site.

Well, everything for Ogre itself, but you do have to install a fair
amount of stuff before installing Ogre from what I gathered…

I wouldn’t say that. Ruby speeds are expected to improve, but it will
never be C or C++ speed.
I do predict some game dev tool makers to officially begin
implementing Ruby as a scripting language for their engines within a
year or two!! (the sooner the better, imagine the expressiveness!)